Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Hidden Symptom of Antiphospholipid/Pesticide Poisoning

Osteonecrosis as medically defined symptom of Antiphospholipid (blood clotting disorder due to sodium potassium pump on red blood cell membranes...not closing after opening because the pesticide has the same type/size/key that anticholinesterase has; which is the "key" to close it...So damage right there...Then free radical is made by the ATP (electric charge the mitochondria made) that powers the closing is short-circuited...

Osteonecrosis is when the hip joint is destroyed by lack of blood due to the clotting...and also why I lost finger, and toe parts too...My good ole doctor had me convinced it was out of joint and I had a hip bone spur...

I have Jukes disease which was coined during the prohibition...and more then 100,000 (we know of) died because pesticide was put in alcohol so it could be sold legally ...People who didn't die were maimed with walking like they were dancing to a Juke Box...

DMSO to cure hip pain in 15 minutes, or so! Fruit pectin, and other detoxers; along with roughage to eliminate it is the answer my friends...!

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