Thursday, January 7, 2016

Ohia Sacrifice to Eradicate Monsanto

A new fungus they haven't ever seen?..Travels through the soil you idiots...
They brought the GMO Papaya here, and set up farms for all the workers from the closed sugar plants with 10 acres farms all using huge amounts of pesticide too...Giving them the very seeds of our forests destruction....Destroying the soil, life in it, and, natural barriers and protections....THANKS MONSANTO, USDA, and Cornell University for destroying our O'hi'a forests!
From the GMO papaya...Garuns ball baruns...
Suzanne Case- director of, and the DLNR work for Monsanto..They are partners...Having the USDA, or U of H study the catastrophe is useless...They all work for Monsanto!!
Only will reap more lies, cover-ups, and total degradation
They say they have no idea how the fungus- Black Spot travels. Are they stupid, or something? YES! SOMETHING ALRIGHT...
And just because it has attacked a different tree doesn't make it any different then what it is! Something created in a lab through DNA, or maybe even RNAi....THESE PEOPLE LIE!
O'hi'a roots are not that deep...We need to support the world within the soil to end this.
Gyphosate (RoundUp) causes FUNGUS to grow faster, and stronger...It breeds better in the toxic dead soup! Demonstrated on this blog with Aflaxtoxin.

Rapid Ohia Death Video Brochure from Hawaii DLNR on Vimeo.

IF a carrot can get the O'hi'a fungus in the lab. Is it a new fungus to name?
And growing it with a root plant too!

What ever "They" suggest as a fix is under suspicion...

No idea where it came from? New? Never heard of it?
Ohia's naturally die, so no problem? Close to your heart?

We could have avoided all this by paying attention, and NOT BEING GREEDY!
They saw with another fungus how Papaya would affect the plant, and their own areas...We were warned about clearing forests and growing in the Ohia's virgin soils.!
"The disease was first noticed in the Puna district of Hawaii island in 1970. This disease has been primarily observed on papaya seedlings planted in fields newly cleared of native ohia (Metrosideros collina) forests. The disease usually occurs during or following prolonged heavy rains in areas where drainage is poor.
The fungus produces abundant conidia, ascospores and microsclerotia. Conidia and ascospores are responsible for long distance spread and microsclerotia for long term survival. The fungus is capable of surviving for more than three years in the absence of host plants. Microsclerotia are more effective in killing seedlings than conidia or ascospores. Despite these attributes this disease has not been a major problem in replant fields.
The clearing of ohia forests for papaya orchards is no longer practiced and the disease incidence, therefore, is erratic. The disease does appear periodically when weather conditions (i.e. frequent and heavy rains) are favorable.
The susceptibility of four commercial lines of papaya in increasing susceptibility are Kapoho Solo, Line 8, Waimanalo and Sunrise Solo."

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