DOH told us 100 years Arsenic and Dioxin is bound to the soil...
Almost all info about Dioxin is difficult to find...
Documentaries are purchased, the books on Dioxin can cost as high as $300 dollars, and youtube sorely needs more...
This is a trailer to a documentary about cleaning up Agent Orange by Monsanto and Dow, in Vietnam...
From the UN World Health Organization::
Dioxins are mainly by products of industrial processes but can also result from natural processes, such as volcanic eruptions and forest fires. Dioxins are unwanted by products of a wide range of manufacturing processes including smelting, chlorine bleaching of paper pulp and the manufacturing of some herbicides and pesticides. In terms of dioxin release into the environment, uncontrolled waste incinerators (solid waste and hospital waste) are often the worst culprits, due to incomplete burning. Technology is available that allows for controlled waste incineration with low emissions.
Although formation of dioxins is local, environmental distribution is global. Dioxins are found throughout the world in the environment. The highest levels of these compounds are found in some soils, sediments and food, especially dairy products, meat, fish and shellfish. Very low levels are found in plants, water and air.
Extensive stores of PCB-based waste industrial oils, many with high levels of PCDFs, exist throughout the world. Long-term storage and improper disposal of this material may result in dioxin release into the environment and the contamination of human and animal food supplies. PCB-based waste is not easily disposed of without contamination of the environment and human populations. Such material needs to be treated as hazardous waste and is best destroyed by high temperature incineration.
More info about Dioxin can be found here by
The power of one does count, we ask you to show your support for a Just and Fair outcome for all who have been victims of exposure to dioxin New Zealand.
The companies manufactured foods using liquid egg imported from Germany and potentially contaminated with dioxins, poisonous chemicals
In this video at 10 seconds they say different...
Almost all info about Dioxin is difficult to find...
Documentaries are purchased, the books on Dioxin can cost as high as $300 dollars, and youtube sorely needs more...
This is a trailer to a documentary about cleaning up Agent Orange by Monsanto and Dow, in Vietnam...
From the UN World Health Organization::
Dioxins are mainly by products of industrial processes but can also result from natural processes, such as volcanic eruptions and forest fires. Dioxins are unwanted by products of a wide range of manufacturing processes including smelting, chlorine bleaching of paper pulp and the manufacturing of some herbicides and pesticides. In terms of dioxin release into the environment, uncontrolled waste incinerators (solid waste and hospital waste) are often the worst culprits, due to incomplete burning. Technology is available that allows for controlled waste incineration with low emissions.
Although formation of dioxins is local, environmental distribution is global. Dioxins are found throughout the world in the environment. The highest levels of these compounds are found in some soils, sediments and food, especially dairy products, meat, fish and shellfish. Very low levels are found in plants, water and air.
Extensive stores of PCB-based waste industrial oils, many with high levels of PCDFs, exist throughout the world. Long-term storage and improper disposal of this material may result in dioxin release into the environment and the contamination of human and animal food supplies. PCB-based waste is not easily disposed of without contamination of the environment and human populations. Such material needs to be treated as hazardous waste and is best destroyed by high temperature incineration.
More info about Dioxin can be found here by
The power of one does count, we ask you to show your support for a Just and Fair outcome for all who have been victims of exposure to dioxin New Zealand.
The companies manufactured foods using liquid egg imported from Germany and potentially contaminated with dioxins, poisonous chemicals
Aim-listed Finsbury and Samworth, the privately owned group behind the Ginsters brand, manufactured foods using liquid egg imported from Germany and potentially contaminated with dioxins, poisonous chemicals.
Finsbury said it had been informed of the potential contamination by the Food Standards Agency but reiterated the regulator's view that there was "no risk to health" given the tiny volumes of dioxin that might be involved.
The company's shares initally retreated on the news but ended the day ¼ higher at 24¼p.
Tesco, J Sainsbury and WM Morrison confirmed they had withdrawn one or more products as a precautionary measure.
Finsbury said any concern surrounded "short shelf-life cakes" but that it expected no "significant or lasting impact" on the company's finances.
Finsbury said it had been informed of the potential contamination by the Food Standards Agency but reiterated the regulator's view that there was "no risk to health" given the tiny volumes of dioxin that might be involved.
The company's shares initally retreated on the news but ended the day ¼ higher at 24¼p.
Tesco, J Sainsbury and WM Morrison confirmed they had withdrawn one or more products as a precautionary measure.
Finsbury said any concern surrounded "short shelf-life cakes" but that it expected no "significant or lasting impact" on the company's finances.
CAC/RCP 62-2006 | Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction of Dioxin and Dioxin-like PCB Contamination in Food and Feeds | CCCF | 2006 |
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Dioxins and dioxin-type polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
Dioxins are chemicals resulting from certain natural phenomena (volcanism, forest fires) or industrial processes (manufacturing of pesticides, metals or paint, paper bleaching, incineration, etc.).
PCBs are chemicals which are widespread and found in, inter alia, building materials, lubricants, waterproofing agents and paints. Both types of substance may cause serious health problems, including cancer, immune and nervous system disorders, liver damage and sterility.
The TWI is 14 pg (picogram) World Health Organisation toxic equivalent (WHO-TEQ)/kg body weight.
According to your Jan. 1, 2013 Quality Standards that you sent to me - Whole Foods only requires farmed salmon producers to show they are making “progress toward meeting maximum allowable contaminate levels” for PCBs, dioxins, furans, dioxin-like PCBs and mercury in their product. This means your customers don’t actually know the levels of dangerous toxins present in Norwegian farmed salmon from Whole Foods.Download WFM Quality Standards for Farmed Seafood_salmon finfish shrimp_ Jan 1 2013.V2_0-1.pdf (341.5K)
Compared to international, current dietary recommendations for fatty fish, your limit of 2.16 pg/g for dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs in farmed salmon is not safe at all according to the World Health Organization that established in 1998 a goal to reduce human intake levels below 1 pg TEQ/kg body weight/day (">source:). (TEQ means Toxic Equivalent Unit)
According to your Jan. 1. 2013 quality standards for farmed salmon, when a 60 kg person eats a single 200 gram serving of Norwegian farmed salmon from Whole Foods their body may receive 432 pg of toxins (2.16 pg x 200 grams). This is more than 7-times the daily safe intake levels established by the WHO and over 3.5-times the tolerable levels established by the European Food Safety Authority (EFTA) (2 pg/kg body weight/day and 14 pg/kg body weight/ week. Source:).
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