Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Rescind Monsanto Lobbyist Appointment to Water Commission Nomination Committee, and Monsanto drilling 6 wells on Maui!

By Karen Chun (Contact)
To be delivered to: The Hawaii State Senate
Petition Statement
Hawaii State Senate President Donna Mercado Kim appointed Alan Takemoto, the Monsanto lobbyist, to be on the nominating committee which picks the candidates for Water Commission.
This is wrong on so many levels.
A lobbyist is not someone who has the welfare of the citizens as their priority. Their job is to do anything and everything to make their corporation richer - including taking our precious water for their corporation's use.

Monsanto is a controversial company that is using our islands as a testing ground for their new pesticides and GMO science experiments - because we're in the middle of the Pacific ocean if something goes terribly wrong.

Please, Sen Kim, RESCIND your appointment of Monsanto lobbyist, Alan Takemoto, and appoint someone who has the best interests of the Hawaii citizens as their priority.

Subject: Petition No lobbyist, especially a lobbyist with a multinational corporation should be given the power to nominate members of the body which controls Hawaii water.
That's why I signed a petition to The Hawaii State Senate.
Will you sign this petition? Click here:

Thanks! Because, And, So...WHY does Monsanto want to be in charge of who is on the Water Commission...?
 12/19/12 Monsanto Denied by Hawaii Water Commission
Monsanto drilling 6 Wells on Maui????

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