"As usual, there is a lot that cannot be written at this point in order not to tip off the Satanic Sabbatean cabal and give them an opportunity to sabotage efforts to remove them from world power. The news is good but please only believe it when you see it.
One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma."
Whose World? Choose...
"To avoid getting hoodwinked by questionable research on "vitamins," you have to strongly consider the financial interests of the source of this research. JAMA accepts millions of dollars in advertising from drug companies each year, and its pages are absolutely packed with drug ads. The American Medical Association, for its part, has long worked to discredit alternative medicine and has even been found guilty by U.S. federal courts of engaging in a conspiracy to destroy chiropractic medicine. The AMA, which is largely considered a joke by anyone familiar with natural health, is hardly a credible source for publishing scientific findings on nutrition. To protect the multi-billion dollar drug industry, it’s likely the AMA would say practically anything.
This research published in JAMA does remind us of one important point, however: synthetic chemicals are harmful to human health. If you take cheap "vitamins" made of these synthetic chemicals, you are doing yourself more harm than good. These cheap vitamin manufacturers, by the way, are usually owned by pharmaceutical firms. |

I read your comments on a science page telling the truth about GMO's. I also saw your page! I just wanted you to know YOU are NOT alone!!! I have been trying to put out info on the dangers of GMO's for over 12 years. At times I had no hope. I was stressed out & watching my families health deteriorate & a few die. I have watched as mental illness creeped up on many of them high blood pressure in a 17 year old boy in our family. The same boy discovered he has 3 kidneys the bodies way of trying to fight this toxic crap off! I also have a page on FB. I just wanted you to know you are not alone & many of us have felt just like you & have struggled to tell our families & the world about this highly toxic poison! Here is the page if you have an FB drop me a PM and let me know! The more info the better!
I have to thank you for all of your effort. I know how it feels but we WILL WIN. Hugs & Sloppy Kisses to you!
Lisa Bee