Why can't we make these evil corporations go away, and why do our laws allow their behaviors of destroying our lives; and the world's environment? Because all these corporations are actually owned by our governments. Start at 1:36:00 See the bookkeeping, and how this works. Government retirement funds are supporting, rule the politics and operations of these corporations. Protecting these systems, not us, the United States, or our Earth.
It really is all about money...
Comptrollers of public retirement funds are controlling the corporations by changing the laws, like Glass-Steagall. These HUGE trillions and trillions of dollars in these funds of investments are required by law to invest, and protect those investments....BY PROXY VOTES at corporate meetings, where they vote on the operations the corporations....If you are in this system you give them that ability...In the bookkeeping of their Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) we will find the truth; on who is really running the corporation.
@1:45:33 We see Monsanto in the books... And, these books are from only one public retirement fund. There are groups, cities, municipalities, counties, in New York. There are 50 other states and the Federal Government to account for too...Also private funds, like mutuals are involved in this .
This one pointed out here, in New York State, has 2,280,249 shares in Monsanto, worth $189,488,692...
Should a government have interest in a corporation that it gives patents to, or controls the courts that decides the future of a corporation; whose goal is to take over the food supplies of the world?
Just look...What is being supported by citizens of the USA, who have no idea. This shows how the government owns the media too... we get our information from the main stream news. Explains alot!
Who could possibly allow this to happen? Conflict of interest is hidden...Here is the whole scam.

From the author Clint Richardson... "This 4 hour presentation is part 2 of the Corporation Nation series. While a shorter, condensed version will be released soon, The Great Pension Fund Hoax is presented as documentary evidence of corruption and greed within our government and as a reference work.
Comptrollers of public retirement funds are controlling the corporations by changing the laws, like Glass-Steagall. These HUGE trillions and trillions of dollars in these funds of investments are required by law to invest, and protect those investments....BY PROXY VOTES at corporate meetings, where they vote on the operations the corporations....If you are in this system you give them that ability...In the bookkeeping of their Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) we will find the truth; on who is really running the corporation.
@1:45:33 We see Monsanto in the books... And, these books are from only one public retirement fund. There are groups, cities, municipalities, counties, in New York. There are 50 other states and the Federal Government to account for too...Also private funds, like mutuals are involved in this .
This one pointed out here, in New York State, has 2,280,249 shares in Monsanto, worth $189,488,692...
Should a government have interest in a corporation that it gives patents to, or controls the courts that decides the future of a corporation; whose goal is to take over the food supplies of the world?
Just look...What is being supported by citizens of the USA, who have no idea. This shows how the government owns the media too... we get our information from the main stream news. Explains alot!
Who could possibly allow this to happen? Conflict of interest is hidden...Here is the whole scam.
From the author Clint Richardson... "This 4 hour presentation is part 2 of the Corporation Nation series. While a shorter, condensed version will be released soon, The Great Pension Fund Hoax is presented as documentary evidence of corruption and greed within our government and as a reference work.
Who could possibly allow this to happen? Conflict of interest is hidden...Here is the whole scam.
Mr. Clint Richardson also says this...
"This is not for entertainment.
Understanding this information about the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) system of accounting in government will answer the question that has eluded you for so long, just as it did me...
Why do corporations get away with murder? Why does government allow this to happen by passing laws and regulations, and deregulating the very framework that these corporations operate within, both nationally and internationally? Why are We, the People suffering at the hands of this oligarchical government, while our taxpayer dollars are being used against us? And why does there seem to be no difference between the private sector and the public one?
Answer: Because government owns it all!!!
Note... I am mad as heck that after hours of self-editing, and two full days to process this final version, I had one misspelling at the worst possible spot. Please don't tear me apart for this, it is of no benefit to anyone. Please learn... and comment for the benefit of the people."
I say this after watching this video 3 times!
THERE WILL BE NO ECONOMIC COLLAPSE....But there may be wars to distract and make profits for those corporations that make war supplies, arms, planes, bombs, Sarin type gases and equipment that projects or protects from the poison gas. It's all about following the money.
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