Voter initiative last election almost 2 years ago...was heard on June 15, 2016 at US Federal Appeals Court in Honolulu. Now we wait for the 3 judges decision.
Arguments are states, and federal preemption. Which means they may have rules covering these areas already, and they override our wishes for safe, healthy, and economically viable land.
I believe our argument is these are experimental, and not regulated...including the associated pesticides, and the state has no statutes, except ones prohibiting GM Coffee, and Taro...The state did not object then. We have police powers in this case, and it has always been the counties who decide these decisions in Hawai'i in regards to the land, and it's uses.
The back story which began back around year 2000 when people on Maui started to wake up to the knowledge that Maui was being used as an experimental area for chemical corporations testing pesticides, and genetic modification, including plants that grew dangerous viruses for pharmaceutical experiments at their pharma subsidiary corporation spin offs.
Slowly we grew to enough people who understood the reality, and the disrespect occurring to our sacred A'ina, or Spirit of the Land; to come together no matter what part of society we came from, to do something to stop this degradation.
2000, or more peoples' marching in the main boulevard...a few times...petition drive to put some thing on the ballot, winning the vote for the initiative at the polls, facing off with the County of Maui who still have not certified that election, and initiative, state court sent it to federal court, and federal court has erred in it's findings, so now we seek relief on Maui through appeal.
Arguments are states, and federal preemption. Which means they may have rules covering these areas already, and they override our wishes for safe, healthy, and economically viable land.
I believe our argument is these are experimental, and not regulated...including the associated pesticides, and the state has no statutes, except ones prohibiting GM Coffee, and Taro...The state did not object then. We have police powers in this case, and it has always been the counties who decide these decisions in Hawai'i in regards to the land, and it's uses.
The back story which began back around year 2000 when people on Maui started to wake up to the knowledge that Maui was being used as an experimental area for chemical corporations testing pesticides, and genetic modification, including plants that grew dangerous viruses for pharmaceutical experiments at their pharma subsidiary corporation spin offs.
Slowly we grew to enough people who understood the reality, and the disrespect occurring to our sacred A'ina, or Spirit of the Land; to come together no matter what part of society we came from, to do something to stop this degradation.
2000, or more peoples' marching in the main boulevard...a few times...petition drive to put some thing on the ballot, winning the vote for the initiative at the polls, facing off with the County of Maui who still have not certified that election, and initiative, state court sent it to federal court, and federal court has erred in it's findings, so now we seek relief on Maui through appeal.
Kaua'i, and Hawai'i brought different methods to stop the chemical corporation through their county councils...The federal court ruled against them too at different trials. The other island's fight was just as hard, and did the same marches with so many thousands coming out to show they were against the poisoning of this land and her people.
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit youtube...
14-17538 Hawai'i Papaya Industry Assn. v. County of Hawaii
On my blog about Maui here...
Monday, February 24, 2014
Maui County Citizens Invoke the Hawaii Constitution GMO Moratorium Ballot Initiative
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Local Farmers and Our Salvation Maui GMO Moratorium
On my blog about Maui here...
Monday, February 24, 2014
Maui County Citizens Invoke the Hawaii Constitution GMO Moratorium Ballot Initiative
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Local Farmers and Our Salvation Maui GMO Moratorium
Maui's case ...
15-16466 Alika Atay v. County of Maui
Kaua'i here...
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Kaua'i has 196,000 pounds of toxic chemicals sprayed on it year after year. 36,000 pounds are restricted use pesticides. Studies Prove Monsanto's Roundup Is Killing You
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Kaua'i has 196,000 pounds of toxic chemicals sprayed on it year after year. 36,000 pounds are restricted use pesticides. Studies Prove Monsanto's Roundup Is Killing You
Monday, November 18, 2013
Kaua'i's case...
14-16833 Syngenta Seeds, Inc. v. County of Kauai
14-16833 Syngenta Seeds, Inc. v. County of Kauai

Should we expect these experiments next?
GMOed Bees?
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Genetically-Modified Honey Bees It's a GO Hillary Said So
We report the first to our knowledge genetically engineered honeybees, which are important pollinators and interesting biological models for the study of social and complex behaviors as well as caste and sexual development.
"“Maybe there’s a way of getting a representative group of actors at the table” to discuss how the federal government could help biotechs with “insurance against risk,” she said.
Without such subsidies, she said, “this is going to be an increasing challenge. … I think we should have that kind of intensive discussion.”
She said the debate about GMOs might be turned toward the biotech side if the benefits were better explained, noting that the “Frankensteinish” depictions could be fought with more positive spin."
...Says Hillary Clinton
Who in a 65-minute appearance at the BIO International Convention on Wednesday, voiced support for genetically modified organisms and possible federal subsidies to keep U.S. companies from leaving for tax havens abroad.
We banned plastic shopping bag use county wide ...and no complaints, or court cases...Will these cases to rid our islands of poisoners invalidate our other county laws?