Friday, February 28, 2014

Maui Residents Expected to BE VERY SICK

Disregard to our health and to our environment.
This is the same medical group where I was refused testing for pesticide poisoning...OBLIVIOUS or on purpose?
Maui Medical Group just built a multi-million dollar MIR extension in Wailuku, and it opened last year.
There is no crowd. Why would they need a new facility?
To STUDY us?

Maui Tomorrow on Facebook

Speak Out Now for No Six Story Building in Kanaha Wetlands!
There’s a large project threatening Central Maui’s viewplane and remaining wetlands that you may be unaware of. The Maui Medical Plaza at Kanaha, a planned six story building with a five story (300+ car parking garage) on the edge of Kanaha wetlands (in a tsunami and sea level rise zone) has somehow managed to stay under the public’s radar.
The project’s developers blame the shortage of doctors on Maui to a lack of medical facilities yet medical professionals will tell you that Maui’s low rural rates of Medicare reimbursements and the high cost of malpractice insurance are much more to blame.
Hawaii at one time had 59,000 acres of wetlands. Thirty percent of our lowland wetlands have already been lost, an acre at a time, encroaching and filling in the edges of feeding, nesting and breeding areas for the endangered (and federally protected) Hawaiian Stilt and Hawaiian Coot. Due to the continued destruction of many of Hawaii's wetland areas Kanaha Pond was designated a registered natural landmark in 1971 by the Department of the Interior.
Despite this area being designated a heavy industrial zone in the 1960’s, today we better understand the importance of preserving wetlands and areas of open space. The 2002 Wailuku Kahului Community Plan states “Protect shoreline wetland resources and flood plain areas as valuable natural systems and open space resources. These natural systems are important for flood control, as habitat area for wildlife, and for various forms of recreation. Future development actions should emphasize flood prevention and protection of the natural landscape.” The community plan also says that “Drainage channels should not be used for building sites but rather for public open space” and further adds, “Higher building forms up to six stories should be sited in the central portion of commercial blocks.”
In spite of this the project’s final Environmental Assessment was accepted by the Maui Planning Commission in 2011 and received a Special Management Area permit.
Time passed with no construction at the site due to the developers’ failing finances. They have now declared personal bankruptcy and recently sold the property through a joint venture agreement to Oahu-based dck Pacific (a subsidiary of dck Worldwide).

Maui Medical Plaza at Kanaha is asking the community to write to the Maui Planning Department and Maui Planning Commission to ask for the transfer and extension of the project’s Special Management Area permit which expires in August, 2014. If this permit expires the developers will have to re-apply and likely file an Environmental Impact Statement. This would be very good news for the Kanaha wetlands and for all friends of Kanaha as more public scrutiny could end this misguided project once and for all.
If you care about preserving Central Maui’s view plane and wetlands please join us in asking the Maui Planning Commission to reconsider the impacts of this project and deny the transfer of its Special Management Area permit.
Please send your comments today to:

Maui Planning CommissionMaui County Planning Department
Attention: Chair Ivan LayAttention: Director Will Spence
250 S. High St2200 Main St.
Kalana Pakui Bldg Ste 200One Main Plaza Bldg, Ste. 315
Wailuku, HI 96793Wailuku, HI 96793

Mahalo Nui,

Irene Bowie
Executive Director
Maui Tomorrow Foundation
At one time some "industrialist" wanted to dredge this area and put Maui's harbor here.
OUTRAGE caused that to not happen.

We must ride to the rescue!

Obviously, Blogging is Here to Stay…

An important ruling was handed down last Friday by a federal appeals court that directly impacts all bloggers.  According to Reuters:
A blogger is entitled to the same free speech protections as a traditional journalist and cannot be liable for defamation unless she acted negligently…"
The law professor explained that these kinds of cases are usually settled without trial and to see one reach the federal appeals court level was rare.
After the ruling in favor of Cox, her attorney (Volokh) had this to say:
"It makes clear that bloggers have the same First Amendment rights as professional journalists," he said. "There had been similar precedents before concerning advocacy groups, other writers and book authors. This follows a fairly well established chain of precedents. I believe it is the first federal appeals court level ruling that applies to bloggers." 
Source and Full Article

Very sorry some of my videos are not showing up on my blog here...
Something to do with embedding vs. linking with youtube.
Stay tuned...I'm trying to fix this, and update the side column links with the actual science study on the subject...
I love that 200 people are informed just in the past day.
We are making progress...
It's official! 8,500 signatures are needed before March 31st to get the GMO ban on the ballot for November. Share this post!
 Be heard!

Get registered to vote:

National News about Maui's effort to stop GMOs:

Video about GMO dangers:

Educate yourself: take care of your food and everyone's future.
Malama 'Aina!

I would not put it past Monsanto and their minions to go around like Google Street View, and spray their GMO pollen in farmers fields who do not want their seeds!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Maui 4Yr. Fix ~ Water, Soil, History & Bio-remediation

Lets break it down........
1. 400 Million gallons of water from East and West Maui Streams (over 30) is diverted by HC&S (Hawaiian Commercial Sugar Company) to feed one of the worlds thirstiest crops - Sugarcane

2. HC&S grows the crop for 2 years, then has helicoptors spray round-up herbicide so that it dries out quicker to burn.

3. HC&S then burns the surgarcane field which also includes, black plastic and PVC plastic, herbicide and pesticide residue. The ash then falls onto peoples homes, cars, business, farms, ocean, wetlands, etc...

4. The sugarcane is then harvested and taken to a mill which is partially run off of coal imported from one of the worst coal mines in the State of Colorado and then partially processed.

5. The molasses and other by prodcucts is then shipped to California (if it doesn't spill into Kahului or Honolulu harbor killing off marine species) and processed into sugar.

6. The non-organic sugar is then shipped back to Hawaiʻi and other places to be sold. (no explanation needed on the health benefits of sugar)

7. Therefore, 28,000 acres or so drain all of Maui's streams to process one of the worlds most unsustainable food products.

8. The island of Oʻahu that has 1.1 million people uses around 200 million gallons of water a day vs. HC&S which uses 400 mgd for sugarcane cultivation.

9. Every year acres and acres of HC&S sugarcane fields are being peeled off for development (Upcoming Target and retail outlets, Monstanto Fields, Waiʻale Development, etc...)

10. 800 jobs to do all of this. Imagine the possibilities of 800 people growing healthy food crops on Maui, making Maui less reliant on the importation of food from the mainland and other countries! 

Important to listen to...

History of Hawaii and Sugar

Gregory Rosenthal was interviewed about Hawaiian history, labor, and the Hawaiian sugar industry. This interview took place at the 2014 meeting of the Organization of American Historians in Atlanta, Georgia.

My Intention is to see our Island geared towards Tourism. With the Sugar Plantation Land as a forest, with all the wonderful varieties of Hawai'ian native plants, Hales across the landscape, with people living in them, all the streams flowing clear and singing sounds of water flowing, thoughts of Menehune to enchant, rain at night because we fixed the soil with worms and good fungus giving back life to the A'ina...Simple life where healthy children laugh and play.

The soil is so dead in Hawai'i where they have grown pineapple and sugar cane.

My idea is to make these huge wheeled containers that will slowly roll along, down hill, while dropping worm casings and worm water. We all separate our trash as best we can and use our garbage to feed the worms. By the second pass the soil should be ready to support life.


the complete recycling of our garbage

life put back in the soil

restoration of the land from the plantations destruction

a new direction with the community directely involved in the success

We can use the old and unused containers from the plantation when they go out of business or we can let them run the worm restoration project...Growing GMOs as biofuel would continue the destruction. If the workers and company of HC&S want to continue working this is the WAY. And if there is any biofuel grown it must be native of Maui. For me I want to see pi'li grass grown, which is just about gone and extinct in Hawaii in the wild state. This is the grass that is used to make a Hale pi'li. The Hawai'ian will celebrate on that day. A return of one of the basic resources to life, material to make a home.

Worms can eat everything except metal, glass and plastic. They sterlize the garbage.

worm watch

As with mycelium (fungus like mushrooms) ecology repair; worms need to come from the same area where they are used to repair the soil. Native Hawaiian worms No ka oi.

Ola i ka Wai: Water is Life from Kamakako'i on Vimeo.

HEMP is native of Maui And has more oil and bio-remediation properties then any plant there is!

Willie Smits,  inspired by an Orangutan, did it in just 4 years. Brought a dead environment back to life with all the good things that come with life.

By piecing together a complex ecological puzzle, biologist Willie Smits believes he has found a way to re-grow clearcut rainforest in Borneo, saving local orangutans -- and creating a thrilling blueprint for restoring fragile ecosystems.

He talks about the climate effects around 16 minutes... Nature does not Know Monoculture...Nature has layers...
Because of the soils death the microorganisms no longer hold water in the soil.
Convection - day time heat and night time cold causes water in a steam like form to rise from moisture held in the soil to the skies and make clouds, which brings rain, and then RAINBOWS...
This is why we are Rainbow Warriors... Stewards of the Earth!
We are here to save Rainbows and our Mother Earth...

"An other issue that was brought up was how was this project financed and how much did it cost. It was financed from donations and adoption of square meters through the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation. Total costs over the last 7 years for the almost 5000 acres have amounted to some 2.5 Million Euro. This included buying the land. This land was actually still expensive due to its proximity to an economically important oil city. So the model is quite feasible, but does take well educated people to execute."
Dr. Willie Smits, naturalised Indonesian citizen (born February 22, 1957, in Weurt, Gelderland, the Netherlands) is a trained forester, a microbiologist, conservationist, animal rights activist and social entrepreneur.
Founder of the Balikpapan Orangutan Society in 1991, which developed into BOS Foundation (Borneo Orangutan Survival
Foundation), one of the largest orangutan conservation organisations in the world, with some of the largest orangutan rehabilitation projects (Nyaru Menteng and Samboja Lestari) as well as massive projects to protect and reforest habitat for orangutans and other wildlife. He has been advisor to the minister of forestry and maintains an influential role in green politics in various parts of the country.
Founder of Yayasan Gibbon Indonesia, a nature conservation foundation under which Willie set up a dozen wildlife rescue centres across Indonesia with a network of over 1,000 employees tackling the illegal wildlife trade. Also set up the Schmutzer Primate Centre at Ragunan Zoo, as a sanctuary for primates and also to demonstrate facilities with a high standard of captive animal welfare and educational value in Indonesia.
Decades of research into Arenga pinatta (sugar palm) and potential as a solution to environment and social welfare challenges of the 21st century. In 2001 set up the Masarang Foundation to protect the forests of Minahasa (North Sulawesi) for the people, flora and fauna, developing reforestation methods integrating agro-forestry and zero-waste methods of producing various products (such as sugar, syrup and bio-ethanol) from the sugar palms.
Willie has set up and been involved in many projects and initiatives for nature and wildlife conservation in Indonesia over the past 30 years.
View from Baldwin Beach, Maui, Hawaii
House of the Rising Sun

We need a reserve on Maui. 
From Baldwin to Hailimai'illi...
Ohana living in Hale.  
Aloha 'Aina

Ganondagan encompasses 619 acres of land. The site has five miles of hiking trails through steep wooded slopes, along stream corridors, grassy meadows and active farm fields. The trails are the hub of more than 40 miles of trails that form the Genesee & Finger Lakes regional trail system. 
Several of Ganondagan’s trails are marked with unique historic and ethnobotanical signage for self-guided learning.
Ganondagan is one of the few locations open to the public in New York State where visitors can see heirloom Seneca varieties of vegetables including Iroquois White Corn and medicinal herb gardens grown using traditional Native American organic agricultural techniques originating from traditions that predate European contact. Ganondagan has also undertaken projects to remove introduced plant species and restore the indigenous plants and grasses that were originally found in the Seneca homelands.

Page 42 in this PDF talks about soil and the effects of farming.
The PDF is a wonderful survey/report/plan for a community call Victor, NY.
Very interesting and beautiful place, just like where you live too, I'm sure..
The area is a "land-locked island" and is where Ganondagon is located...

Results: Neurotoxin Sprayed On School Kaua'i Heads To Court After Bio-Tech Corporations Sue In Federal Court For The Right To Poison Their Children And Island

Standing up to Corporate Bullies: Kauai Community Moves to Defend County's Pesticide Disclosure Law
February 24th, 2014

A coalition of Kaua‘i residents and public interest groups, represented by Center for Food Safety (CFS) and Earthjustice, today filed papers in federal district court in Honolulu moving to intervene as defendants. The nonprofits seek to defend their interests by defending the County of Kaua‘i’s 2013 pesticide disclosure law from a legal challenge by multinational chemical companies. 

Ordinance 960 (formerly known as Bill 2491) was enacted into law to protect Kaua‘i residents and the environment from exposure to pesticides applied to genetically engineered (GE) crops in the wake of repeated incidents of schoolchildren and other residents suffering symptoms of pesticide exposure, and inaction by State of Hawai‘i authorities. The GE industry grows experimental and other GE crops on thousands of acres on the small island, in many places close to schools, homes, and waterways, and is known to spray some of the most toxic pesticides still in use, such as the organophosphate chlorpyrifos. The law requires the disclosure of pesticide and GE crops used on the island, and establishes buffer zones around sensitive locations like schools and hospitals. 

Presence of neurotoxin should be ‘red flag’ in Hawai’i
In a review paper to be published next month in the peer-reviewed journal The Lancet Neurology, researchers have raised concerns over the pesticide chlorpyrifos and other environmental contaminants that cause damage to the developing brains of children. Recent disclosures from Kauai’s voluntary reporting program confirm frequent usage of chlorpyrifos on the island, but fail to provide additional details about use.

After reviewing the data, Emily Marquez, PhD, staff scientist at Pesticide Action Network, released the following statement:

“A new paper identifies several developmental neurotoxicants, including the insecticide chlorpyrifos, which pose a serious threat to the developing brains of children. The pesticide, applied to genetically engineered (GE) seed test fields in Kaua’i, and likely other parts of the state, should be a red flag for Hawai’i public health officials.

Chlorpyrifos, known commercially as Dursban or Lorsban, is an organophosphate insecticide and a known neurotoxicant. At low doses, prenatal exposure to chlorpyrifos has been linked to adverse impacts on neurodevelopment such as a 7-point decrease in IQ and alterations to brain architecture in 7-year-old children.

In 2001, in an effort to reduce human health risks — particularly to children — the U.S. EPA took an important step towards protecting human health by canceling indoor uses of chlorpyrifos. But agricultural uses of the chemical persist. And applications of chlorpyrifos to GE test fields on Kaua’i and elsewhere pose an unacceptable risk to the health of children and others living or working nearby.

On Kaua’i, chlropyrifos was found in air samples collected at Waimea Canyon Middle School, as reported in a March 2013 report by the University of Hawai’i. And voluntary industry reporting — through the Agricultural Good Neighbor Program — tells us that chlorpyrifos is being used by Syngenta, BASF Plant Sciences, and DuPont Pioneer on GE test fields across the island. Unfortunately, the voluntary program on Kaua’i fails to provide the level of details contained in the recently passed, but yet to be implemented, ordinance. And this program doesn’t provide mandatory reporting for the entire state.

Hawai’i isn’t the only state using chlorpyrifos. In the U.S., it is still widely used in agriculture at about eight million pounds annually, putting farmworkers, families, and agricultural communities. Low-dose chlorpyrifos residue is also found on fruits and vegetables grown with the pesticide, exposing people across the country. Recent monitoring of pesticide applications by PAN members near fields in Minnesota and Iowa has documented evidence of chlorpyrifos volatilization drift.

Due to concerns over chlorpyrifos’ tendency to volatilize and drift, EPA is currently requesting comments on risk to children and other bystanders from volatilization of chlorpyrifos from treated crops. EPA’s chlorpyrifos preliminary volatilization assessment is based on the fact that ‘the available data indicate that vapor phase chlorpyrifos may be emitted from treated fields at levels resulting in exposure to children and others who live, work, attend school or otherwise spend time nearby.’”

GMO Free Kaua'i

For Immediate Release: February 24, 2014

Paul Towers
Organizing & Media Director
Pesticide Action Network North America

"Advancing alternatives to pesticides worldwide"

Pesticide Action Network North America
Main Office: 1611 Telegraph Ave, Suite 1200, Oakland, CA 94612
Midwest Office: 3438 Snelling Ave, Upper Level, Minneapolis, MN 55406 - (510) 788-9020
 Video showing proximity of spraying to the school yard and building - at 1:36 you can see spray becoming airborne on video taken from a school classroom, and outside showing children playing adjacent to the field. These companies have sued Kauai for the right to continue spraying at this proximity to our children!
Waimea Canyon Middle School Pesticide Spraying
The Reaper is coming!
 So shameful!
The kids at island school aren't allowed to go barefoot, even in the sports fields. They say its because of broken glass potentially being in the grass. I think it's because in the past kids have had allergic type reactions from playing in those same areas.
Got pesticide drift???

It's in bread too...Bromide. Causes IODINE DEFICIENCY.
The body  loves iodine too much 

The FDA limit for brominated oil in sodas is based on outdated data from the 1970s, so scientists say the chemical deserves a fresh look. Their concern is that it builds up in tissues, and may have the same effects as brominated flame retardants.

Monsanto RoundUp Fatal Kidney Disease

"They propose glyphosate becomes extremely toxic to the kidney when it mixes with 'hard' water or heavy metals like arsenic ..."
My yard has 2-4xs "safe" level arsenic and dioxin, and RoundUp was applied...I got very sick...

A new study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Healthproposes a link between the herbicide known as Roundup (aka glyphosate) and a series of mysterious epidemics of fatal chronic kidney disease of unknown origin (CKDu) affecting several poor farming regions around the world. 
The extent of the health problem is so massive that the Center for Public Integrity found that CKDu has killed more people in El Salvador and Nicaragua than diabetes, AIDS and leukemia combined, over the past 5 years on record.
Titled, "Glyphosate, Hard Water and Nephrotoxic Metals: Are They the Culprits Behind the Epidemic of Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown Etiology in Sri Lanka?" researchers hypothesized that while glyphosate is toxic, it alone is not capable of destroying kidney tissue on the scale recently observed in rice paddy regions of Northern Sri Lanka, or in El Salvador where it is the second leading cause of death among men. They propose glyphosate becomes extremely toxic to the kidney when it mixes with 'hard' water or heavy metals like arsenic and cadmium, either naturally present in the soil or added externally through fertilizer inputs. Hard water contains 'metals,' such as calcium, magnesium, strontium and iron, along with carbonate, bicarbonate, sulphate and chlorides.
Posted on: 
Tuesday, February 25th 2014 at 8:45 pm
Written By: 
Sayer Ji, Founder GreenMedInfo

Chronic kidney disease - news and investigations

Abstract: The current chronic kidney disease epidemic, the major health issue in the rice paddy farming areas in Sri Lanka has been the subject of many scientific and political debates over the last decade. Although there is no agreement among scientists about the etiology of the disease, a majority of them has concluded that this is a toxic nephropathy. None of the hypotheses put forward so far could explain coherently the totality of clinical, biochemical, histopathological findings, and the unique geographical distribution of the disease and its appearance in the mid-1990s. A strong association between the consumption of hard water and the occurrence of this special kidney disease has been observed, but the relationship has not been explained consistently. Here, we have hypothesized the association of using glyphosate, the most widely used herbicide in the disease endemic area and its unique metal chelating properties. The possible role played by glyphosate-metal complexes in this epidemic has not been given any serious consideration by investigators for the last two decades. Furthermore, it may explain similar kidney disease epidemics observed in Andra Pradesh (India) and Central America. Although glyphosate alone does not cause an epidemic of chronic kidney disease, it seems to have acquired the ability to destroy the renal tissues of thousands of farmers when it forms complexes with a localized geo environmental factor (hardness) and nephrotoxic metals.
Keywords: chronic kidney disease of unknown etiology; glyphosate; hard water; nephrotoxic metals; arsenic

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Pesticides destroy by chemically burning; ravaging the processes and the structures...of our Mitochondria and Fascia...

Meanwhile down in the atomic structure...
 Adenosine diphosphate (ATP) in Mitochondria. 
ATP, is an important organic compound in metabolism and is essential to the flow of energy in living cells.

ATP is creating the matrix of the Mitochondria.
Creating energy to spin and make more energy. 
Making energy for protons and electrons...

A cycle supplying fuel with the spent products being brought back to be re-synthesized. 
"A beautiful Machine"
We make ADP 50 -60 kilograms/110 - 132 pounds per day equivalent to our body weight.
95% of the oxygen we breath in is converted to WATER!

"A Beautiful Thing..."
Carries water throughout our bodies...

The last 5 minutes of ATP Synthase: the Understood, the Uncertain, and the Unknown
Phospholipids and Cardiolipids .. 
he says, are the secret to the structure mechanism of the machine that is the TREE OF LIFE.
I have an illness call Antiphospholipid Syndrome with AntiCardiolipin caused by pesticide poisoning...
This video opens a door to a better understanding.

Pesticides destroy by chemically burning; ravaging the processes and the structures...of our Mitochondria and Fascia...
A French study has linked glyphosate in Roundup to damage to human cells. The study showed cell death in placental cells, kidney cells, embryonic cells, and neonate umbilical cells. The study showed total cell death within 24 hours of being exposed to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup. Cell death was reported at concentrations as low as .005 percent Roundup. Common causes of cell death was membrane rupture, mitochondrial damage, and cell asphyxia, or inability to respire. Cell damage was noted at concentrations 500 to 1,000 times lower than present accepted levels in agriculture.
February 21, 2013
In a new research paper published in the high ranked scientific journal Toxicology, Robin Mesnage, Benoît Bernay and Professor Gilles-Eric Séralini

Powering the Cell: Mitochondria

OHM Living Fascia 25x Magnified

ATP Synthase: 
the Understood, the Uncertain, and the Unknown
She does a great job!



Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a multifunctional nucleoside triphosphate used in cells as a coenzyme. ATP transports chemical energy within cells for metabolism. It's one of the end products of photophosphorylation and cellular respiration and used by enzymes and structural proteins in many cellular processes, including biosynthetic reactions and cell division. One molecule of ATP contains three phosphate groups, and it is produced by ATP synthase from inorganic phosphate and adenosine diphosphate (ADP).


Adenosine diphosphate, abbreviated ADP consists in two phosphate group, the pentose sugar ribose, and the nucleobase adenine. ADP is the product of ATP dephosphorylation by ATPases. ADP is converted back to ATP by ATP synthases. ATP is an important energy transfer molecule in cells. ADP is the end-product that results when ATP loses one of its phosphate groups. The conversion of these two molecules plays an important role in supplying energy for many processes of life. One molecule of ATPproduces 7.3 kcal.

Animals use the energy released in the breakdown of glucose and other molecules to convert ADP to ATP, which can then be used to fuel necessary growth and cell maintenance.

And just to be sure we understand here is the Wikipedia address for some information,

Monday, February 24, 2014

Maui County Citizens Invoke the Hawaii Constitution GMO Moratorium Ballot Initiative

The first-of-its-kind ballot initiative in Maui County to enforce the Hawai'i State Constitution's unique mandate to protect current and future generations was initiated on Friday, February 24th at 2:00 PM at the Maui County Clerk's office.

Five Maui County citizens, Mark Sheehan Ph.D., Lorrin Pang M.D., Lei'oho Ryder, Alika Atay, and Dr. Bonnie Marsh N.D., submitted a new Ordinance to become law that was written by the people, for the people, and to be decided upon by the people, as a ballot initiative in the 2014 November general elections.

To complete the submission process and secure the Initiative's presence on the 2014 ballot, the citizens must gather 8500 registered voters' signatures on petitions by March 31st. 

Feb 24th, 7:00 to 9:00 PM, in the McCoy Theater at the Maui Arts and Cultural Center. To kick of the petition drive, the public and press is invited to a free petition drive kick-off event: Monday, 

The evening will include a panel discussion and public press conference with the five citizens bringing forth the initiative, petition signing ceremony and petition gatherer sign up so everyone can gather signatures, followed by a special guest presentation by world renowned GMO and Roundup expert Dr. Don Huber.

The event is sponsored by the SHAKA Movement (Sustainable Hawaiian Agriculture for Keiki (children) and " 'Aina (land)), and advocacy, communications and information hub in Hawaii.

Mark Sheehan, one of the five citizens bringing forth the initiative said, "The citizens of Maui County have serious concerns as to whether the GE operations, the use of Pesticides, and the testing of GE crops, occurring in Maui County are causing irreparable harm to the people, the Environment, and the Public Trust Resources."

The Hawai'i Constitution states that the Public Trust Resources (including but not limited to the land, water, and air) "...shall be conserved and protected for current and future generations."

The five citizens assert that the Genetically Engineered (GE) growing and testing occurring in Maui County (also known as GMO) is different than GE food production farming occurring elsewhere in the world, and therefore poses different circumstances, risks, and concerns.

In Maui County, the farming and testing of genetically engineered (GE) crops include the cultivation of GE seed crops, experimental GE test crops, and extensive pesticide use including the testing of experimental Pesticides in what is effectively an outdoor laboratory.

Areas of Maui's groundwater are already significantly contaminated with Pesticides, including DBCP and TCP, from former conventional pineapple growing operations. The propagation, cultivation, raising, or growing of GE Organisms in Maui County involve unprecedented use of Pesticides which may greatly exacerbate an already existing problem.

The five citizens state that the Hawai'i Dept. of Agriculture does not have an adequate regulatory structure in place to monitor GE crops or to aid in the understanding of the impacts of these crops on Maui's economy, environment, cultural heritage, or public health. Moreover, the land of Maui County and the water surrounding it have cultural and spiritual significance to the indigenous people of Hawaii. This cultural and spiritual heritage will suffer irreparable harm if the natural environment of Maui County is contaminated by the propagation, cultivation, raising, or growing of GE Organisms.

Another concern is that there are no known or proven scientific methodologies or procedures to recall GE Organisms or remediate/decontaminate the Environment from any damages once GE Organisms are released into the Environment and contamination has occurred.

Therefore, the citizens of Maui County call for a suspension of all GE operations within the County through a Temporary Moratorium Initiative until a detailed environmental impact analysis of the impacts stemming from the cultivation of GE crops and their associated Pesticide use is provided and reviewed by the people and County Council.
To stay informed on the subject or to help please visit
 Published on Feb 23, 2014

I got very emotional. My body wasn't 100%, so had to leave the Shaka Movement Kick-off early.
Still gets to me...I can hardly believe this is going to happen.
A few years ago 9 out of 10 people DID NOT know what Monsanto or GMO was when I asked...
People were like..."TMI (too much information)", or "I don't like you cause you talk about pesticides"...
We will see.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

New GMO Studies Demonstrate 'Substantial Non-Equivalence'

"... numerous differences demonstrated between GM varieties and their non-GM counterpart may well impact consumer health and biodiversity, and clearly exposes the substantial equivalence principle as pseudoscience. In reality, genetic modification causes very real and substantial, unpredictable and uncontrollable changes in the host genome including mutations, and rearrangements as well as new transcripts and proteins. Further, glyphosate and GM crops have already been shown to cause damage to both health and the environment in many independent studies (see [14] Ban GMOs Now, ISIS special report). This is now fully confirmed in the new studies...
...In practice, the principle allows the comparison of a GM line to any existing variety within the same species, and even to an abstract entity made up of ingredients from a collection of species. This means that a GM variety can have all the worst traits of many different varieties and still be deemed substantially equivalent [1, 2]. Traits used for comparisons are also based solely on gross and insensitive chemical compositional tests such as levels of carbohydrate, protein and sugars. This process cannot even begin to tackle safety issues. Ironically, for the GMOs to be patentable as they are, a clear novelty, i.e., a difference or non-substantial equivalence is indeed required.
Independent assessments of substantial equivalence have shown how this ill-defined practice is not only inadequate but untrustworthy [3- 5], and the new studies most clearly confirm this."
Science, Society, Sustainability

Friday, February 21, 2014

Hawai'i Not What We Think...2,4-D 10% or more of the total occurred in Hawaii"

Release Patterns
Major environmental releases of 2,4-D are due to agricultural applications of systemic herbicides. It is also
released as a result of the production or disposal of 2,4-D or its by-products. From 1987 to 1993,
according to EPA's Toxic Chemical Release Inventory, 2,4-D releases to land and water totalled over
116,000 lbs., most of which was released to land. These releases were primarily from cane sugar-related
industries (except refineries). The largest releases (10% or more of the total) occurred in Hawaii...

Ukraine Targeted by Monsanto

The Bread Basket of the World is in bigger trouble then they know!

Monsanto has recently appointed a new director of technology development in Ukraine and Russia.
People: Monsanto appoints New Director of Development
Chandler Mazur has been appointed to manage the process of training sales professionals about the advanced technologies and will manage the process of providing customers with information about the range of products and future developments of Monsanto.

Previously he held the position of manager of the Technology Development.

Entry Pageviews this week on blog....
United States
United Kingdom

USDA No to 2,4-D Petition D Stands for DOW

Dioxin is made and is a part of our lives due to the temperature in manufacturing process of the pesticide.
It is not added to the mix...
All pesticides will have dioxin in it, if the temp. was too high.
This is not checked for...By USDA or anyone.
Sign this petition...

USDA has just released its draft environmental impact statement and announced a 45-day public comment period on these new crops. Tell USDA and President Obama to reject Dow Chemical’s “Agent Orange” crops!

I oppose the approval of Dow’s genetically engineered (GE) “Agent Orange” corn and soybeans designed to survive repeated spraying of the toxic herbicide 2,4-D, half of the highly toxic chemical mixture Agent Orange.

2,4-D has been linked to cancer, Parkinson’s disease, endocrine disruption, and reproductive problems. If that wasn’t enough, industry tests also show that 2,4-D is contaminated with dioxins—often referred to as the most toxic substance known to science. In fact, EPA has reported that 2,4-D is the seventh largest source of dioxins in the U.S. More 2,4-D use will lead to more dioxins in the environment.

Dow Chemical’s “Agent Orange” crops represent yet another escalation in a chemical arms race that will only result in larger numbers of ever-more-toxic chemicals being dumped on our farms and communities, and into our food supply, leading to higher production costs, increased sickness, and greater harm to the environment. I urge you to reject 2,4-D resistant GE corn and soybeans.

Let Us Spray

After viewing via internet “Let Us Spray” the confronting and awful reality of what has happened in New Plymouth in regards to dioxin poisoning is indelibly clear.

My name is Gary Green and on several occasions I appear in this documentary as a sufferer from dioxin poisoning caused from airborne exposure whilst working in close proximity to a herbicide manufacturing plant for 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T, when we lived in New Plymouth, New Zealand.

As I watched this documentary my heart was torn and on several occasions quite tearful as I viewed the traumatic struggles and medical impacts of others affected by Dioxin exposure.

The clarity that we all have experienced; continual denial to recognition and recompense and medical assistance as sufferers of dioxin poisoning was undeniable

To give you insight of what a sufferer must endure I have chosen to point out I am personally in the process of claiming ACC the claim was lodged 19th October 2005 and received an outcome of that claim 12th July 2006 “claim for cover is declined “, we have engaged a Barrister to pursue a fair and just settlement in the high courts for our appeal against the denial of ACC. Our appeal was a 3000 page plus document addressing every point ACC used to deny us a rightful claim.

I would ask the people of New Zealand to unit with us and become a single coherent voice which plainly shows the will of the people concerning this issue.

As part of my efforts personally to lift the awareness of what has happened in New Plymouth I set up a website to provide a single web portal for the people of New Zealand to have access to which provides all the information which has been scattered in multiple websites worldwide.

The name of our site is

I would truly appreciate your assistance in bringing the awareness of this site to the people of New Zealand. is affiliated to CEPRA (Chemically Exposed Paritutu Residents Association) in New Plymouth and officially embraced as the CEPRA website.

On the website is a link where the people of New Zealand can send an email of support  to CEPRA and Dioxinnz .

That entire effort of CEPRA and has been possible by actual sufferers of dioxin poisoning who are on pensions giving towards costs to exist.

We would ask for the people of New Zealand to rally around us in our campaign to get recognition and a fair and just settlement; and medical treatment

Your donations will enable us to continue the campaign and keep the website online.

And will also enable us to increase intensity of bringing the current incumbent Government to a place where they accept the realities of what has happened and begin to take care of those whom have become victims of industrial misadventure.