On Maui we have a Moratorium to vote on this Nov. for GMO .
Kaua'i has DuPont, BASF, Syngenta, Pioneer, and DOW (King of Dioxin pollution and destruction of communities, just like Monsato... the 2 who sprayed Agent Orange and other chemicals over the people, and land of Vietnam... Monsanto alone sprayed 21 million gallons...)
On Maui and Molokai (same county) we have Mycogen and Monsanto...
Kaua'i has DuPont, BASF, Syngenta, Pioneer, and DOW (King of Dioxin pollution and destruction of communities, just like Monsato... the 2 who sprayed Agent Orange and other chemicals over the people, and land of Vietnam... Monsanto alone sprayed 21 million gallons...)
On Maui and Molokai (same county) we have Mycogen and Monsanto...
It is really bizarre because Monsanto front groups have been saying it is a farming ban, and people won't be able to grow tomatoes in their backyards, and all our farmers will go out of business. 24/7 ads with complete lies all over everywhere here!
Our politicians are mostly Monsanto a** lickers too...
Yesterday the lead group of the county fair PARADE was the "it's a farm ban" group...
Although our fair rules say not political activities...
The Person in charge of the fair, is a Monsanto huge frontman who came from Illinois, and claims he is a farm boy...He made an executive decision to allow that...
So the real people, in 60 minutes, got all the YES bling for the moratorium float going since it was now allowed...
With very little money compared to the amount Monsanto paid...We did better...
And we have a booth at the fair that is giving away 15,000 brochures and "Seeds of Deception" videos....DVDs LOL
The Monsanto workers were paid $200 each to march in the parade...
Although our fair rules say not political activities...
The Person in charge of the fair, is a Monsanto huge frontman who came from Illinois, and claims he is a farm boy...He made an executive decision to allow that...
So the real people, in 60 minutes, got all the YES bling for the moratorium float going since it was now allowed...
With very little money compared to the amount Monsanto paid...We did better...
And we have a booth at the fair that is giving away 15,000 brochures and "Seeds of Deception" videos....DVDs LOL
The Monsanto workers were paid $200 each to march in the parade...
Calling the Maui County Fair The Yes Fest!
If they had let it alone we could not have done that...
The more they punch us; the stronger, and the more informed people are...

Especially annoying are their internet trolls ...The lies are just amazing...
Go look at the Say No to the Maui County Farm Ban page and see what I mean...
Seeds of Love - Grow Your Own::
"Monsanto employees are brainwashed into zombies by a chemical company pretending to be farmers, and, this chemical corporation has transformed our politicians into corrupt and greedy zombies in exchange for "campaign contributions". Aunty is a far better representative for the community, than ALL the Monsanto employees world wide and our existing Maui County politicians, excluding Elle Cochran. Aunty speaks the truth and cares about the community, and she cares about the example we set for future generations, which is far more than you can say about Monsanto or the current mayor and county counsel. VOTE yes. Make 'em Test."
Greg Tanihara::
"Monsanto workers or really mislead people who don't understand its not a farming ban and believe what they see on TV ads by Monsanto. They don't understand the initiative. It halts GMO testing and chemical spraying practices till Monsanto can prove with enviromental impact reports its not damaging people or the island. Don't believe this misleading groups name. Its not a blanket farming ban on Maui that's stupid and uninformed people believe this without researching the facts. Its sad who could stoop this low? Monsanto. Vote YES for Natural farming and pure food for our island. No more Mutant GMO crops drowned in Round Up weedkiller we all have to eat. Vote with your brain. No Monsanto GMO and poisons on Maui. Vote YES for a pure and clean uncontaminated Maui."
And on Kaua'i::
Go look at the Say No to the Maui County Farm Ban page and see what I mean...
Seeds of Love - Grow Your Own::
"Monsanto employees are brainwashed into zombies by a chemical company pretending to be farmers, and, this chemical corporation has transformed our politicians into corrupt and greedy zombies in exchange for "campaign contributions". Aunty is a far better representative for the community, than ALL the Monsanto employees world wide and our existing Maui County politicians, excluding Elle Cochran. Aunty speaks the truth and cares about the community, and she cares about the example we set for future generations, which is far more than you can say about Monsanto or the current mayor and county counsel. VOTE yes. Make 'em Test."
Greg Tanihara::
"Monsanto workers or really mislead people who don't understand its not a farming ban and believe what they see on TV ads by Monsanto. They don't understand the initiative. It halts GMO testing and chemical spraying practices till Monsanto can prove with enviromental impact reports its not damaging people or the island. Don't believe this misleading groups name. Its not a blanket farming ban on Maui that's stupid and uninformed people believe this without researching the facts. Its sad who could stoop this low? Monsanto. Vote YES for Natural farming and pure food for our island. No more Mutant GMO crops drowned in Round Up weedkiller we all have to eat. Vote with your brain. No Monsanto GMO and poisons on Maui. Vote YES for a pure and clean uncontaminated Maui."
And on Kaua'i::
KEEP FIGHTING: Community groups are appealing a court decision that struck down a popular law protecting people from dangerous pesticide exposure on the Hawaiian island of Kaua`i.
The law, which requires greater disclosure of pesticide use as well as buffer zones near sensitive areas like schools, hospitals, and parks received widespread public support. But Kaua`i was sued by huge multinational chemical companies like DuPont and Dow Chemical, and the judge unfortunately sided with the companies rather than the people.
Earthjustice attorneys are now working with local groups to appeal the bad decision and restore this important law.

The law, which requires greater disclosure of pesticide use as well as buffer zones near sensitive areas like schools, hospitals, and parks received widespread public support. But Kaua`i was sued by huge multinational chemical companies like DuPont and Dow Chemical, and the judge unfortunately sided with the companies rather than the people.
Earthjustice attorneys are now working with local groups to appeal the bad decision and restore this important law.