Bush was hanging with these Enron guys, and Obama hangs with and only promotes Monsanto (that seems the only thing he does!).
Market manipulation is going on right now.
I predict Monsanto and all biotech to be completely collapsed by this time next year.
I also predict that genetic manipulation and Nano tech will become so very highly regulated that it will be almost impossible to proceed in this area without all eyes and regulations
bearing down uncomfortably...and strictly the opposite of the attitude of regulators today
Take note...Enron's manipulation and cooking the books proceeded the bankruptcy...
I believe these share buy backs are forcing the price up so insiders, their family and friends can cash in and get out with a huge profit...All those gifts? Well, here is where they really get their gift. Un-documented too...Only when they are given. Go put MON stock and see how they are doing it.
And people's pensions are on the buy side...What happened to that buy low/sell high moto?
JP Morgan called Monsanto a BUY last week. Obvious market manipulation.
I worked in the commodities markets for 4 years at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange...
There are no longer open call trades...except in Hogs and Cattle...everything is done on computer trades now.
What you are shown on TV is a lie. 10,000 lost their jobs, and only 1000 work the floors now.
This also includes Europe and Asia . No trading floors anymore.
Take note...Enron's manipulation and cooking the books proceeded their bankruptcy...
@31:50 says this is happening in many companies...Manipulation HUGE!
We need to criminalize this behavior right NOW...Get ready.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeFdIHWy8cw
And, Monsanto Stocks are acting very funny...the same way Enron's were. Even Enbridge is Farcical... Market manipulation is going on right now.
I predict Monsanto and all biotech to be completely collapsed by this time next year.
I also predict that genetic manipulation and Nano tech will become so very highly regulated that it will be almost impossible to proceed in this area without all eyes and regulations
bearing down uncomfortably...and strictly the opposite of the attitude of regulators today
Take note...Enron's manipulation and cooking the books proceeded the bankruptcy...
I believe these share buy backs are forcing the price up so insiders, their family and friends can cash in and get out with a huge profit...All those gifts? Well, here is where they really get their gift. Un-documented too...Only when they are given. Go put MON stock and see how they are doing it.
And people's pensions are on the buy side...What happened to that buy low/sell high moto?
JP Morgan called Monsanto a BUY last week. Obvious market manipulation.
I worked in the commodities markets for 4 years at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange...
There are no longer open call trades...except in Hogs and Cattle...everything is done on computer trades now.
What you are shown on TV is a lie. 10,000 lost their jobs, and only 1000 work the floors now.
This also includes Europe and Asia . No trading floors anymore.
Take note...Enron's manipulation and cooking the books proceeded their bankruptcy...
@31:50 says this is happening in many companies...Manipulation HUGE!
We need to criminalize this behavior right NOW...Get ready.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeFdIHWy8cw
Anti-GMO activists who disagree with Monsanto's (NYSE: MON ) practices may take this as a slap in the face: The seed king trampled Street estimates for its third quarter, improved its outlook, and outlined a long-term plan that could attract investors in hordes, even if they don't want to see genetically modified foods on their breakfast table. Monsanto shares surged 6% soon after it made the announcements this past Wednesday.
Monsanto Co. is selling $4.5 billion worth of debt on Thursday to help fund a new $10 billion share-buyback program. It’s the latest example of a company that is funding shareholder-reward programs at the expense of its bondholders.
... sold debt to offer share buybacks and boost dividends without having to bring their cash back onshore and pay American taxes.
Last week they played a game that caused both of their stocks to JUMP!
On 6/24 - 6/25, when this was "announced" the Monsanto price jumped from 120.83 to 126.73 in "after hours trading"...
Conveniently for "buyers and sellers" it seems; the day before the same thing happened to Syngenta's PRICEY stocks....6/23 - 6/24 from 327.10 - 345.80...hmmm
It going all over the place right now up and down...
People trying to get out, and people's pensions buying... a future of no pension when this all collapses as unsustainable.
"The desire to avoid U.S. corporate taxes has now spread to agricultural giants
-- as a dead deal shows.
Monsanto Co. (MON), the world’s largest seed company worth $64 billion, recently explored a takeover of $34 billion Swiss rival Syngenta AG (SYNN) in a transaction that would have allowed the U.S. firm to move its tax location to Switzerland.
The deal, which is now defunct according to people familiar with the matter, is another sign of how U.S. firms in many sectors are trying to avoid corporate taxes by moving their headquarters overseas. U.S. drugmaker Pfizer Inc. pursued U.K.- based AstraZeneca Plc, offering as much as $117 billion before abandoning the deal, while North Chicago, Illinois-based AbbVie Inc. is chasing Dublin-based Shire Plc for $46.5 billion.
Monsanto and Syngenta held preliminary talks with advisers in the past few months about a combination before Syngenta’s management decided against negotiations, said the people, who asked not to be identified because the talks were private. Company officials also spoke informally with each other about a potential deal, two of the people said...."EXACTLY WHO SAID WHAT NOW? Unidentified, because it's private? So, "announce" this and remain unidentified, anf it's unofficial???
Monsanto Co. (MON), the world’s largest seed company worth $64 billion, recently explored a takeover of $34 billion Swiss rival Syngenta AG (SYNN) in a transaction that would have allowed the U.S. firm to move its tax location to Switzerland.
The deal, which is now defunct according to people familiar with the matter, is another sign of how U.S. firms in many sectors are trying to avoid corporate taxes by moving their headquarters overseas. U.S. drugmaker Pfizer Inc. pursued U.K.- based AstraZeneca Plc, offering as much as $117 billion before abandoning the deal, while North Chicago, Illinois-based AbbVie Inc. is chasing Dublin-based Shire Plc for $46.5 billion.
Monsanto and Syngenta held preliminary talks with advisers in the past few months about a combination before Syngenta’s management decided against negotiations, said the people, who asked not to be identified because the talks were private. Company officials also spoke informally with each other about a potential deal, two of the people said...."EXACTLY WHO SAID WHAT NOW? Unidentified, because it's private? So, "announce" this and remain unidentified, anf it's unofficial???
In an April report, Standard Poor’s Ratings Analysts, led by Andrew Chang, wrote: “Shareholders are pushing for the return of… cash. Given the high level of cash trapped overseas, we expect continued debt issuances to support domestic cash needs, including share repurchases.”
Monsanto has a relatively strong cash position, ratings analysts say, but the debt sale has led to concerns that bondholders are getting the raw end of the deal given that the company is weakening its balance sheet to boost share prices. On Wednesday, Moody’s Investors Service analysts downgraded Monsanto MON -0.36% by two notches to A3 from A1, suggesting that the debt sale will “significantly weaken credit metrics by the end of fiscal 2015.” S&P and Fitch Ratings also downgraded the company.
In an April report, Standard Poor’s Ratings Analysts, led by Andrew Chang, wrote: “Shareholders are pushing for the return of… cash. Given the high level of cash trapped overseas, we expect continued debt issuances to support domestic cash needs, including share repurchases.”
Monsanto has a relatively strong cash position, ratings analysts say, but the debt sale has led to concerns that bondholders are getting the raw end of the deal given that the company is weakening its balance sheet to boost share prices. On Wednesday, Moody’s Investors Service analysts downgraded Monsanto MON -0.36% by two notches to A3 from A1, suggesting that the debt sale will “significantly weaken credit metrics by the end of fiscal 2015.” S&P and Fitch Ratings also downgraded the company.
REMEMBER THIS? NOT A PEEP or a WORD from FDA, USDA, EPA or any others to explain themselves... Remember!
Scientists discover double meaning in genetic code | UW Today
December 12, 2013Scientists discover double meaning in genetic codeStephanie SeilerUW Health Sciences & UW MedicinePosted under: Health and Medicine, News Releases, Research, Science, TechnologyScientists have discovered a second code hiding within DNA. This second code contains information that changes the way the code is read...
Regulators Discover a Hidden Viral Gene in Commercial GMO Crops
by Jonathan Latham and Allison Wilson How should a regulatory agency announce they have discovered something potentially very important about the safety of GMOs...
On the top right side of blog...are the links.
My blog clearly proves GMOs and pesticides are killing Humanity...and causing a complete extinction of every species of Life on our Earth.
And now all the iRNA...
Rnai or called iRNA is manipulation that is so scary...Did you know that 95% of the air we breath is converted into water? Done in our Mitochondra- RNA
Did you know we make an equivalent of our body weight up to 120 lbs every day ADP which is converted in our Mitochondria's RNA from ATP which is what makes electricity in our body and powers our electrons and protons?
Now we have RNAi technology in experimental processes. They want spray us with genetically modified RNA... DO SOME RESEARCH.
Here is just a little something.
Monsanto CEO and officers sales of their stocks 3rd week January 2014.
It was hinged on an agreement with a company that injects bioteched lipids into RNA that happened at the beginning of the 5 day sell-off.
The CEO, VP Human Resources,VP and treasurer, and Chief Technology officer sold off 14,716,480 million dollars ($) in Monsanto stock.
"Monsanto is expending a fair portion of its resources on RNAi applications for the western corn rootworm, which is slowly developing resistance to the B.t. corn trait.
The company is also working on topical sprays to deliver RNAi that impairs the metabolic functions of target insects.
The company hopes to use the technology to protect crops from viruses and disease as well as insects.
Monsanto declined an interview request for this story because a spokesperson said it’s too early to discuss the technology. It is still in the discovery phase, which is the earliest stage of Monsanto’s research and development work.
Commercialization of the technology may be five to 10 years away, but critics are already lining up to condemn RNAi as dangerous.
Greenpeace questions the safety of RNAi, suggesting it could suppress gene expression in other species, including humans."
THEY WILL BE SPRAYING THIS EXPERIMENT WITH RNAi ALL OVER OUR ISLANDS... If we let them. Monsanto "HOPES" to use this technology to...? Why not say will? Because the technology is not proven. And where are the field trials they are talking about? On Maui?
Las mutaciones en los genes BRCA1 y BRCA2 aumentan el riesgo de padecer cánceres de mama y ovario. Sin embargo, cuando se encuentran en su forma original, sin sufrir mutaciones, se encargan de suprimir los procesos tumorales relacionados con la aparición de esos dos tipos de cáncer. Ahora, un estudio liderado por el CSIC sugiere que BRCA2 suprime los tumores porque evita la formación de híbridos entre ADN y ARN, cuya acumulación provoca daño y estrés durante la replicación de la célula. Estos resultados han sido publicados en la revista 'Nature'.
Mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes increase the risk of breast and ovarian cancers. However, when they are in their original form, without undergoing mutations, is responsible for suppressing tumor processes related to the emergence of these two types of cancer. Now, a study led by the CSIC suggested that BRCA2 suppresses tumors because it avoids the formation of hybrids between DNA and RNA, whose buildup ultimately causes damage and stress during cell replication. These results have been published in the journal 'Nature'.
REMEMBER THIS? NOT A PEEP or a WORD from FDA, USDA, EPA or any others to explain themselves... Remember!
Scientists discover double meaning in genetic code | UW Today
December 12, 2013Scientists discover double meaning in genetic codeStephanie SeilerUW Health Sciences & UW MedicinePosted under: Health and Medicine, News Releases, Research, Science, TechnologyScientists have discovered a second code hiding within DNA. This second code contains information that changes the way the code is read...
Regulators Discover a Hidden Viral Gene in Commercial GMO Crops
by Jonathan Latham and Allison Wilson How should a regulatory agency announce they have discovered something potentially very important about the safety of GMOs...
On the top right side of blog...are the links.
My blog clearly proves GMOs and pesticides are killing Humanity...and causing a complete extinction of every species of Life on our Earth.
And now all the iRNA...
Rnai or called iRNA is manipulation that is so scary...Did you know that 95% of the air we breath is converted into water? Done in our Mitochondra- RNA
Did you know we make an equivalent of our body weight up to 120 lbs every day ADP which is converted in our Mitochondria's RNA from ATP which is what makes electricity in our body and powers our electrons and protons?
Now we have RNAi technology in experimental processes. They want spray us with genetically modified RNA... DO SOME RESEARCH.
Here is just a little something.
Monsanto CEO and officers sales of their stocks 3rd week January 2014.
It was hinged on an agreement with a company that injects bioteched lipids into RNA that happened at the beginning of the 5 day sell-off.
The CEO, VP Human Resources,VP and treasurer, and Chief Technology officer sold off 14,716,480 million dollars ($) in Monsanto stock.
"Monsanto is expending a fair portion of its resources on RNAi applications for the western corn rootworm, which is slowly developing resistance to the B.t. corn trait.
The company is also working on topical sprays to deliver RNAi that impairs the metabolic functions of target insects.
The company hopes to use the technology to protect crops from viruses and disease as well as insects.
Monsanto declined an interview request for this story because a spokesperson said it’s too early to discuss the technology. It is still in the discovery phase, which is the earliest stage of Monsanto’s research and development work.
Commercialization of the technology may be five to 10 years away, but critics are already lining up to condemn RNAi as dangerous.
Greenpeace questions the safety of RNAi, suggesting it could suppress gene expression in other species, including humans."
THEY WILL BE SPRAYING THIS EXPERIMENT WITH RNAi ALL OVER OUR ISLANDS... If we let them. Monsanto "HOPES" to use this technology to...? Why not say will? Because the technology is not proven. And where are the field trials they are talking about? On Maui?
Mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes increase the risk of breast and ovarian cancers. However, when they are in their original form, without undergoing mutations, is responsible for suppressing tumor processes related to the emergence of these two types of cancer. Now, a study led by the CSIC suggested that BRCA2 suppresses tumors because it avoids the formation of hybrids between DNA and RNA, whose buildup ultimately causes damage and stress during cell replication. These results have been published in the journal 'Nature'.
JUST PLAIN WRONG...Why? Because they do not address the discovery of a double meaning in the DNA Code...OBLIVIOUS, and GREEDY LIES!
Master regulator of key cancer gene found, offers new drug target
A key cancer-causing gene, responsible for up to 20% of cancers, may have a weak spot in its armor, according to new research. The partnership of MYC, a gene long linked to cancer, and a non-coding RNA, PVT1, could be the key to understanding how MYC fuels cancer cells.
.>>"We knew MYC amplifications cause cancer. But we also know that MYC does not amplify alone. It often pairs with adjacent chromosomal regions. We wanted to know if the neighboring genes played a role...We took a chance and were surprised to find this unexpected and counter-intuitive partnership between MYC and its neighbor, PVT1. Not only do these genes amplify together, PVT1 helps boost the MYC protein's ability to carry out its dangerous activities in the cell."
When cancer promotes a cell to make more MYC, it also increases the PVT1 in the cell, which in turn boosts the amount of MYC.
...researchers looked closely at several breast and colorectal cancers which are driven by MYC. eg in colorectal cancer lab models, where a mutation in the beta-catenin gene drives MYC to cancerous levels, eliminating PVT1 from these cells made the tumors nearly disappear.
...By uncoupling MYC and PVT1, researchers suspect they could disable the cancer growth and limit MYC to pre-cancerous levels. This would make PVT1 an ideal drug target to potentially control a major cancer gene.
1970s offer:
raise a child to become a scientist and own a nano lab (Never happened).
2020s offer:
Marry a mentally ill person and make the person a scientist and own a nano lab.
BIOTECH is going down along with all the crooks...and you know who you are!
The closure of the MoCo biotech incubator has caused severe damage to our county's already-miserable business reputation. Now, we can't even be trusted to keep our word. Why would anyone invest in starting a new company here, when they know they could be cast aside at any moment, by a mercurial, spinning compass political leadership that hasn't a clue what it's doing in regards to economic development?
A conducive policy regime is necessary to attract higher investments in India's pharmaceutical & biotech sectors. India's pharma and biotech industry have the potential to generate combined revenues of close to $100 billion by 2025 if they are promoted aggressively. The sector must be provided with incentives through a number of tax-friendly measures to make in globally competitive. http://bit.ly/1mDq2Fr
A key cancer-causing gene, responsible for up to 20% of cancers, may have a weak spot in its armor, according to new research. The partnership of MYC, a gene long linked to cancer, and a non-coding RNA, PVT1, could be the key to understanding how MYC fuels cancer cells.
.>>"We knew MYC amplifications cause cancer. But we also know that MYC does not amplify alone. It often pairs with adjacent chromosomal regions. We wanted to know if the neighboring genes played a role...We took a chance and were surprised to find this unexpected and counter-intuitive partnership between MYC and its neighbor, PVT1. Not only do these genes amplify together, PVT1 helps boost the MYC protein's ability to carry out its dangerous activities in the cell."
When cancer promotes a cell to make more MYC, it also increases the PVT1 in the cell, which in turn boosts the amount of MYC.
...researchers looked closely at several breast and colorectal cancers which are driven by MYC. eg in colorectal cancer lab models, where a mutation in the beta-catenin gene drives MYC to cancerous levels, eliminating PVT1 from these cells made the tumors nearly disappear.
...By uncoupling MYC and PVT1, researchers suspect they could disable the cancer growth and limit MYC to pre-cancerous levels. This would make PVT1 an ideal drug target to potentially control a major cancer gene.
1970s offer:
raise a child to become a scientist and own a nano lab (Never happened).
2020s offer:
Marry a mentally ill person and make the person a scientist and own a nano lab.
BIOTECH is going down along with all the crooks...and you know who you are!
The closure of the MoCo biotech incubator has caused severe damage to our county's already-miserable business reputation. Now, we can't even be trusted to keep our word. Why would anyone invest in starting a new company here, when they know they could be cast aside at any moment, by a mercurial, spinning compass political leadership that hasn't a clue what it's doing in regards to economic development?

Enbridge just like Monsanto is using their cash flow to hedge up their price...
However, according to Toronto-based money manager, Patrick Horan, Principal at Agilith Capital, investors might want to look elsewhere.
"Enbridge is actually quite a dangerous stock," Horan tells BNN. "Their growth strategy is at risk."
For Horan, who is actively short Enbridge stock, the issue lies with the company's dividend policy. Enbridge has raised its dividend steadily about 7-10 percent a year over the past three years, he explains. However at the same time, they have been issuing new shares to raise equity.
"This is a conflicting strategy," says Horan. "Why raise the dividend and then go issue shares?"
Enbridge just like Monsanto is using their cash flow to hedge up their price...
However, according to Toronto-based money manager, Patrick Horan, Principal at Agilith Capital, investors might want to look elsewhere.
"Enbridge is actually quite a dangerous stock," Horan tells BNN. "Their growth strategy is at risk."
For Horan, who is actively short Enbridge stock, the issue lies with the company's dividend policy. Enbridge has raised its dividend steadily about 7-10 percent a year over the past three years, he explains. However at the same time, they have been issuing new shares to raise equity.
"This is a conflicting strategy," says Horan. "Why raise the dividend and then go issue shares?"
According to Horan, Enbridge is using all its free cash flow to support the dividend. "There's nothing in the tank for growth," he says.
And even more games started on July 1st and will continue until July 25th.
WT??? A big free for all..
"Monsanto Company ( MON ) will begin trading ex-dividend on July 01, 2014. A cash dividend payment of $0.43 per share is scheduled to be paid on July 25, 2014. Shareholders who purchased MON stock prior to the ex-dividend date are eligible for the cash dividend payment. This marks the 4th quarter that MON has paid the same dividend. At the current stock price of $125, the dividend yield is 1.38%."
And even more games started on July 1st and will continue until July 25th.
WT??? A big free for all..
"Monsanto Company ( MON ) will begin trading ex-dividend on July 01, 2014. A cash dividend payment of $0.43 per share is scheduled to be paid on July 25, 2014. Shareholders who purchased MON stock prior to the ex-dividend date are eligible for the cash dividend payment. This marks the 4th quarter that MON has paid the same dividend. At the current stock price of $125, the dividend yield is 1.38%."