Thursday, June 16, 2016

Maui Fighting Monsanto Court Arguments ...Kaua'i, and Island Hawai'i Videos

Voter initiative last election almost 2 years ago...was heard on June 15, 2016 at US Federal Appeals Court in Honolulu. Now we wait for the 3 judges decision.
Arguments are states, and federal preemption. Which means they may have rules covering these areas already, and they override our wishes for  safe, healthy, and economically viable land.

I believe our argument is these are experimental, and not regulated...including the associated pesticides, and the state has no statutes, except ones prohibiting GM Coffee, and Taro...The state did not object then. We have police powers in this case, and it has always been the counties who decide these decisions in Hawai'i in regards to the land, and it's uses.

The back story which began back around year 2000 when people on Maui started to wake up to the knowledge that Maui was being used as an experimental area for chemical corporations testing pesticides, and genetic modification, including plants that grew dangerous viruses for pharmaceutical experiments at their pharma subsidiary corporation spin offs.

Slowly we grew to enough people who understood the reality, and the disrespect occurring to our sacred A'ina, or Spirit of the Land; to come together no matter what part of society we came from, to do something to stop this degradation.

2000, or more peoples' marching in the main boulevard...a few times...petition drive to put some thing on the ballot, winning the vote for the initiative at the polls, facing off with the County of Maui who still have not certified that election, and initiative, state court sent it to federal court, and federal court has erred in it's findings, so now we seek relief on Maui through appeal.

Kaua'i, and Hawai'i brought different methods to stop the chemical corporation through their county councils...The federal court ruled against them too at different trials. The other island's fight was just as hard, and did the same marches with so many thousands coming out to show they were against the poisoning of this land and her people.

United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit youtube...

Maui's case ...
15-16466 Alika Atay v. County of Maui

Monday, November 18, 2013
Kaua'i's case...
14-16833 Syngenta Seeds, Inc. v. County of Kauai

14-17538 Hawai'i Papaya Industry Assn. v. County of Hawaii

Should we expect these experiments next?

GMOed Bees?

Thursday, June 26, 2014
Genetically-Modified Honey Bees It's a GO Hillary Said So

We report the first to our knowledge genetically engineered honeybees, which are important pollinators and interesting biological models for the study of social and complex behaviors as well as caste and sexual development.

"“Maybe there’s a way of getting a representative group of actors at the table” to discuss how the federal government could help biotechs with “insurance against risk,” she said.

Without such subsidies, she said, “this is going to be an increasing challenge. … I think we should have that kind of intensive discussion.”

She said the debate about GMOs might be turned toward the biotech side if the benefits were better explained, noting that the “Frankensteinish” depictions could be fought with more positive spin."

...Says Hillary Clinton

Who in a 65-minute appearance at the BIO International Convention on Wednesday, voiced support for genetically modified organisms and possible federal subsidies to keep U.S. companies from leaving for tax havens abroad.

We banned plastic shopping bag use county wide ...and no complaints, or court cases...Will these cases to rid our islands of poisoners invalidate our other county laws?


Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Permanent Solution Willie Smits

Everything we need to know and do is in this short video...And it all began with a baby Tang that Willie saw in the market that was sick, and he went back that night and found it in the trash can,
He developed a way to establish permaculture reserve areas that gives a money making livelihood to the local people, and a safe place for the Tangs...While making the rain come back, and re-establishing the bounty of Nature...It is not that hard!
Tangs can teach us so much!

The Tree of Life!
Willie Smits works at the complicated intersection of humankind, the animal world and our green planet. In his early work as a forester in Indonesia, he came to a deep understanding of that triple relationship, as he watched the growing population of Sulawesi move into (or burn for fuel) forests that are home to the orangutan. These intelligent animals were being killed for food, traded as pets or simply failing to thrive as their forest home degraded. Smits believes that to rebuild orangutan populations, we must first rebuild their forest habitat - which means helping local people find options other than the short-term fix of harvesting forests to survive...
Money, Jobs, and Family, and a Home ; A forever Home! Forever!
This is the potential that can fuel the world....

You O'same Me Poisoned Unknowingly Chlordane

My situation of living with Arsenic, Dioxin and Lead in the soil...Everybody, and living thing on this planet is in the same situation...In areas you might think are isolated, but is even being found in Seals in the Arctic Ocean!...
Do not dig around foundations of houses built before 1988?...Do not let children play in dirt of those areas? ...It's BIG!‪ Chlordane‬ is a persistent organic pollutant... called POPs.
Chlordane is a man made chemical and popular pesticide that was offered in the United States from 1948-1988. Due to concerns about environmental damage and human health risks, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency banned the use of chlordane in 1983, except for controlling termites. It was banned for that use, and all uses, in 1988 but still its effect is felt across the world and in the United States.

How am I Exposed to Chlordane?

Chlordane has been banned for over 20 years so the risk of exposure is gone too, right? Wrong. Chlordane is considered a persistent organic pollutant and the key word is “persistent.” Like plastic, it doesn’t occur naturally nor does it decompose quickly; like an unwanted house guest, it just lingers.
This website has a long list of sampled animals, plants,soil and water...PCBs are Dioxin...Lasts 500 years in the soil...Our fat is what it is attracted to. Hard or impossible to get it out...Subtle...

"Be cautious when digging near the foundation of homes that may have been treated for termites prior to 1988. Additionally, be wary about letting children play in potentially affected soil."

"Chlordane still pollutes the environment in the United States. The University of Iowa examined soil samples and discovered that Cedar Rapids Iowa had chlordane soil contamination almost as severe as urban areas of China. [3] Perhaps more depressing, a U.S. Geological Survey found chlordane contamination in soil samples from Yosemite National Park. [4]

In the Pacific Northwest, salmon migrate through rivers to spawn. This is a natural cycle that has been going on for longer than any of us have been around. Unfortunately, this migration process can transport chemicals. The University of Saskatchewan reports that when fish are contaminated with persistent organic pollutants and die, which they all do, their decomposing bodies release the stored chemicals and further contaminate the environment. [5]"

" In equally depressing news, researchers at the University of Hawaii have discovered concentrations of POP’s, including chlordane, in the blubber of the endangered Hawaiian seal monk. [6]

It’s very sad that America’s heartland, national parks, and wildlife have been reduced to receptacles for toxic waste.

Health Dangers of Chlordane Exposure
Chlordane can affect the digestive and nervous system, it’s also toxic to the liver. High exposure can cause convulsions and death. Low exposure may cause headaches, confusion, vomiting, stomach cramps, vision problems, and general malaise. Based on information from the 1999-2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, the Department of Family Medicine at the Medical University of South Carolina reported that exposure to chlordane has been linked to an increase in the development of diabetes. [7] Additionally, exposure to herbicides and insecticides is especially harmful to the thyroid; chlordane is one of the most toxic chemicals in this regard. [8]

Reducing Chlordane Exposure
Because of its persistent pollutant status, we’re still paying the price for the bygone era when chlordane was celebrated and literally dumped all over the country. Many Americans have low levels of chlordane in their body fat, which could remain for a long time. Tests can determine if you have chlordane in your body (or in the soil around your home) but cannot tell when the exposure occurred and what health effects may result. Regardless, there are steps you can take to minimize your exposure.

The UC Davis Department of Public Health Sciences recommends dietary strategies to reduce exposure to toxic compounds such as chlordane. Specifically, consuming organically produced dairy, fruits, and vegetables and avoiding animal products and processed carbohydrates. [9] Washing or heating your food may not be enough. For example, Japan’s Fukushima Analytical Center discovered up to 10% of chlordane compounds can remain after roasting pesticide-exposed coffee beans. [10]"

Norway Seed Vault is Hoax..

Monsanto etal run it!
Maybe God will Smite them! Unusual earthquake in the area...
The seed vault, for just in case GMO goes wrong, hidden deep in a mountain by the N.Pole? Just had unusual earthquake in the area...
Are you sure that's a good back up plan? Or would not destroying our food supply, water, and soil be a better idea?
According to William Engdahl, author of Seeds of Destruction, unofficially the Seed Vault project is one of the largest steps taken yet by the handful of GMO agribusiness giants which include Monsanto, Syngenta, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Gates Family Foundation. He asserts that the key organisations involved in the arctic seed vault have a long, often dirty history of fraud, intimidation and dubious methods to force the spread of patented genetically modified plant seeds into the world agriculture food chain. In 1999 Monsanto described the ideal future as "a world in which all commercial seeds were GM and patented".

Magnitude mb 5.1
Date time 2016-03-29 10:32:07.9 UTC
Location 77.85 N ; 20.84 E
Depth 10 km
Distances 1978 km N of Helsinki, Finland / pop: 558,457 / local time: 13:32:07.9 2016-03-29 908 km N of Vadsø, Norway / pop: 5,139 / local time: 12:32:07.9 2016-03-29
Earthquake at red dot...
Seed Vault red dot

Cannabis Hawai'i Pesticide Being Sprayed by Helicopter!

DS: We got to the point where we developed a spray system. Now we have a spot-sprayer: I can spray a three-foot circle with no overspray. Now we can just spray it, kill it and move on.

MT: Sounds like marijuana eradication has been lucrative, too.

DS: It’s been a good source of revenue for my company. At one point, this was about 70 percent of my revenue. But the funding has dropped. We don’t find the numbers anymore that we used to. We don’t see huge patches anymore. Now it’s more of a compliance check. In Wipeout, we wiped out all the big-time growers. Then we went to backyard growers. But it was a nerve-wracking business.

MT: How so?

DS: Back then there were no cell phones. We had to take security precautions like guarding the aircraft 24 hours a day.

MT: Did anyone ever take some sort of action against you?

DS: No. We heard threats but nothing ever materialized.

Spraying in the Native Forests too...More reason for Ohi'a's demise... So proud of themselves too...

THE REAL TERRORISTS ARE THE GOV...not you, and me...This proves it.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Rare Disease Antiphospholipid Syndrome BS

I keep telling them it is PESTICIDE POISONING!
Celebrate my "Rare Disease" with me today...ON Rare Disease Day!
Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center (GARD)
Antiphospholipid syndrome
"body's immune system makes antibodies (proteins) that attack phospholipids.
Phospholipids are a type of fat found in all living cells and cell membranes, including blood cells and the lining of blood vessels. What causes the immune system to make antibodies against phospholipids isn't known.
Most cases of antiphospholipid syndrome are sporadic, which means they occur in people with no history of the disorder in their family. Rarely, the condition has been reported to run in families; however, it does not have a clear pattern of inheritance. Multiple genetic and environmental factors likely play a part in determining the risk of developing antiphospholipid syndrome. The most commonly accepted explanation for the development of aPL is that they occur in susceptible individuals following incidental exposure to infectious agents.

Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome (APS) has no cure.

However, medicines can help prevent complications. The goals of treatment are to prevent blood clots from forming and keep existing clots from getting larger.[2][3][4]"

Right here shows phospholipid ...or cell membrane being destroyed...part by part...
8. Organophosphate Insecticide Action

Non-competitive inhibition of acetylcholinesterase by organophosphate insecticides
Disregard for our health...They want dirt...I had to remove the ground covering here...This place was even more of a cesspool after the renovation...Full of parts of the broken ledge dust, and rock they cut off from above, and a spill of concrete left from making new ledge...I had to use a sledge hammer to dig it up...Then I put fishing line all over like a keep out chickens until the air plant I laid down grew to cover it all up...The office here made me take it out last week...or so, I'm sick already, and am coughing...All I can do is throw rocks at chickens at this point.
We have 2-4xs the legal limit of Arsenic, and Dioxin in the soil here...Plus Lead too...Pesticide mixing house area for Wailuku Sugar...And then my neighbor went all crazy, and sprayed every where...on the back fence line...
There should have been sod laid down, and no spray signs up too...supplied by the housing...
Plus the chickens digging up the area, and cats using it for a litter box...Totally disgusting...I keep trying to tell them...and still acting oblivious... Then I think of all the sanding on the steps behind that wall...a full flight, that took off 40 years of paint, and deposited it here my front door.

 I'm not feeling well again...and am coughing...I need to detox my house, and somehow deal with all that dirt, before the trades start up again. I could just cry...
I just wish people could get it...
A comment I saw on the other video here...Is there really that much, and that deep of a conspiracy to hide these illnesses?
I believe YES!...All of these rare diseases are just categories of our individual symptoms as we are individually different!
And then some people never get to the point of being diagnosised with Antiphospholipid, because they had a stroke, or heart attack and died already!

The fact that I have never been able to get a doctor to see this as the reasons for my illnesses is proof enough to me...that something is amiss in the entire system...and medical field!

Hi Larry Keeley, My dad is pushing a move for a Hillsborough style inquiry in organic phosphate poisoning within the UK mainly affecting farmers who used sheep dip between the 50's to the 90's, Im trying to gather as much evidence on his behalf to bring forward to the inquiry, the formal medical opinion is that organic phosphate only has short term medical affect rather than long term, my father and others have paid for private tests and they have come back with high amounts of chemical particles originated from organic phosphate still within his body. He has been paralysed on numerous occasions suffers pain and low dexterity and as a child using organic phosphate suffered fits. if you have any research that may help Id be very greatful. Kind Regards
Larry Keeley 
+John Wright Sorry, I did not work specifically in toxicology. I am an insect neuroendocrinologist. Try some of the people in entomology departments that specialize in toxicology.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Anticaradiolipin Diagnosised Me

Destruction inside of my Mitochondria...Where our ATP is made, and where RNA resides in us.
Cardiolipin (IUPAC name "1,3-bis(sn-3'-phosphatidyl)-sn-glycerol") is an important component of the inner mitochondrial membrane, where it constitutes about 20% of the total lipid composition. It can also be found in the membranes of most bacteria.
"The presence of an antiphospholipid antibody such as the lupus anticoagulant and anticardiolipin antibody in an individual is associated with a predisposition for blood clots. Blood clots can form anywhere in the body and can lead to stroke, gangrene, heart attack, and other serious complications."

"Cardiolipin Antibody. Does this test have other names? Cardiolipin antibodies (IgG, IgM, IgA), anticardiolipin."

This book costs almost $600, I have it marked...can read, and get a general idea how the effects of pesticides affect, Cardiolipin, the KEY to our Lives, and living.

"Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology, Two-Volume Set: Principles and Agents" ..., Volume 1
edited by Robert Krieger

The info is out there...Just not on TV, or the mouths of the Pirates of who act like our government....and are perpetuating the lies of our destruction.

Effect of pesticides on cell survival in liver and brain rat tissues.


Pesticides are the main environmental factor associated with the etiology of human neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson's disease. Our laboratory has previously demonstrated that the treatment of rats with low doses of dimethoate, zineb or glyphosate alone or in combination induces oxidative stress (OS) in liver and brain. The aim of the present work was to investigate if the pesticide-induced OS was able to affect brain and liver cell survival. The treatment of Wistar rats with the pesticides (i.p. 1/250 LD50, three times a week for 5 weeks) caused loss of mitochondrial transmembrane potential and cardiolipin content, especially in substantia nigra (SN), with a concomitant increase of fatty acid peroxidation. The activation of calpain apoptotic cascade (instead of the caspase-dependent pathway) would be responsible for the DNA fragmentation pattern observed. Thus, these results may contribute to understand the effect(s) of chronic and simultaneous exposure to pesticides on cell survival

People who DO NOT think, and those who think if they stand against being poisoned will cause disruption in their personal worlds need to understand...

To loose the pensions is a manufactured fear... 

Pension money is invested in these killing corporations, and we know it...How could you Not Know! Why would pensions be invested in something that can kill and disable enough to make you more vulnerable health wise, esp when you are older...JUST PUT 1 + 1 ...then equals an equation without a pensioner if they dead...WHO PROFITS?.

This fake food we are being served up from depleted soils, pesticides, and some made up genetic mutation they call "Modified" are all BAD FARMING METHODS 100%...Destructive to Earth, and destructive to Life! Your, and my Life...

If you want an old age, and healthy babies...Getting rid of Monsanto, Minions, etal is the only way.

What I went through being poisoned by pesticides is hurtful to think, and even describe....I'm going to take you all through it with me...from holding my feet, and crying; after I walked on it- in so much pain in the beginning - that lasted for 3 months~  the beginning of now, and  it's been 8 years~ still in pain due to the destruction ~ by lack of blood circulation, and clotting in my hip not being able to have a even one drop of water, out of the blue fall, on me, and my entire body going through chills in every part...on top of every piece, and part hurting; which made it worse. I could NOT use my hands at all, but managed to keep a bit of a record at the beginning of this pesticide poisoning...My poisoning is identifiable, and  describable, because the illnesses, and the exposures were so in my face! And affected my entire life!
REMEMBER I HAVE NEVER FOUND A DOCTOR WHO WILL NOTE THIS IN MY RECORD...and every one of them  pretends cannot be!
I even had one heart specialist open a book, and slam it shut in front of me...Pretending to read out load ..."Organophosphates cannot hurt people."

I'm going to show what happened to me...finally, I can write about it specifically, and not just cry; and get upset!
Being really mad about all this, making my blog~ while laying flat on my back; barely able to move the mouse...has made me see the truth...I hope I can make you see it too.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Plasmid = Protit = Stem Cells

Tower of going down...
GMO is programming our stem cells ...that's all there is to it...

"Cells have membranes that prevent DNA from simply diffusing in or out. This is the initial barrier that scientists must overcome in order to insert foreign DNA into a cell. The four ways of accomplishing this goal are transduction, transformation, transfection and injection. But before these four methods are employed, scientists must prepare the foreign DNA by cutting it into smaller pieces or by using restriction enzymes to cut the DNA and insert the desired portion into a bacterial plasmid. Plasmids are circular pieces of DNA that can be passed between bacteria and viruses."

Sponsored Link
Competent Cells
Cloning, Subcloning, Expression Cells - High Quality, Low Prices

"Plasmids are circular pieces of DNA " ?

Structure of the Genetic Material.

Genetic information in prokaryotic cells is carried on a single circular piece of DNA which is attached to the cell membrane and in direct contact with the cytoplasm. There is no enclosing membrane, so there is no true nucleus, but simply a concentration of DNA known as a nucleoid. There are no special proteins associated with this DNA molecule.

Plasmids. Some prokaryotes also carry smaller circles of DNA called plasmids. The genetic information on the plasmids is transferrable between cells, allowing prokaryotes to share such abilities as antibiotic resistance. Humans have discovered that prokaryotic plasmids can be genetically engineered. Today, they are isolated, changed to carry other interesting information and then reintroduced into new cells. In this way unique and usefull little bacterial factories can be designed, created and put to work.

"In 1974 we discovered ancient stem cells (AnSC) in long-term cultures of E. invadens grown in hypoxic sediments with metabolically repressed OCB [1]. We observed two distinct stem cell lines, which were then called "cell classes" [2]. One of them is an oxygenic, self-renewing stem cell line (SRL) that is observed in the early growth phase (t0-t28) leading to an autonomous terminal differentiation for cyclic encystment (CE). The second is a more hypoxic SRL proliferating until the end of growth phase (t0-t96) in changing hypoxic conditions, giving rise to mitotic arrested quiescent cells (G0 cells) capable of reentering the cell cycle. These findings were described in detail [3] and provide evidence that the mechanisms for cell differentiation and stemness were inherited from LECA. Basal mechanisms of cell differentiation and stemness were conserved not only in Entamoeba but also in protists such as Giardia and Colpoda [4,5]. The origin of stemness and AnSC lineages in single-celled eukaryotes was separately reported [6].

In 1974 the modern stem cell biology was still in its beginnings. Many biologists could barely remember the work of Ernst Häckel [7,8] or not knew nothing at all. Although the term "Stammzelle" (German for stem cell) was introduced by Ernst Häckel for unicellular ancestors-that took over basal mechanisms of cell differentiation in modern eukaryotes-stem cells remained for long time a foreign concept in protist cell biology."

stem cells
an undifferentiated cell of a multicellular organism that is capable of giving rise to indefinitely more cells of the same type, and from which certain other kinds of cell arise by differentiation
from wiki

Pleomorphism is a concept discovered in the early 1800’s. It shows that germs, bacteria and viruses come from inside the body; from the “tiny dots” you can see in the blood with any microscope. These “tiny dots” of course are the colloids of life or protits.

Pleomorphism is a concept that today sounds very strange. What pleomorphism is however, cannot be denied as the vast amount of data that has been obtained over the last 180 years confirms what modern microbiologists are discovering, re-discovering today. As noted, many people have been involved in this debate for a long time.

Tiny microbes are “tiny dots” in our blood that change form into microorganisms that clean up the garbage, dead cells, toxins and the like. This is what bacteria, germs, and viruses are for. They change first into viruses, then into bacteria and finally into fungal forms. Each of these stages is progressively more hostile to surrounding tissue cells.

Antibiotics, Immunization or Improved Nutrition?

In 1973 Dr. D. Powles observed: “The major contributing factor toward improved health over the past 200 years has been improved nutrition. Nearly 90% of the total decline in the death rate in children between 1860 and 1965 due to whooping cough, scarlet fever, diphtheria and measles occurred before the introduction of antibiotics and widespread immunization against diphtheria” (Powles, 1973).

Epidemiologist Dr. G.T. Stewart made a similar statement which was reported in Lancet of May 18,1968; and prior to this Sir Robert McCarrison, the great English physician, wrote:

“Obsessed with the invisible microbe, virus, protozoa as all important excitants of disease, subservient to laboratory methods of diagnosis, hidebound by our system of nomenclature, we often forget the most fundamental of all rules for the physician, that the right kind of food (nutrition) is the most important single factor in the promotion of health and the wrong kind of food the most important single factor in the promotion of disease” (McCarrison, 1936).

In a personal communication (1974), Dr. Klenner made the following important observations: “Many here voice a silent view that the Salk and Sabin vaccine, being made of monkey kidney tissue, has been directly responsible for the major increase of leukemia in this country.

Elsewhere in the same communication Dr. Klenner astutely sums up some pertinent reasons for our inability to make successful viral vaccines as follows: “I am of the opinion that virus units have the potential of going from one type to another by just altering their protein coat.

Goes even further you see...Plasmid = Protit = Stem Cells = Virus
 = Genetic Mutation

VIDEO of comparison of ducks ...feet webbing has discoloration, and hard construction of the cellulose in the skin and  with less webbing in  part that I watched...


Injected duck deoxyribonucleic acid Khaki Campbell ducklings Beijing introduced major changes to the shape of the body, head, beak color and legs, and plumage. These changes are transmitted to offspring. 

Warning: This film is presented as a historical document. His speech corresponds neither to the current state of scientific knowledge nor to today recognized methods.

Completion date : January 1, 1960
Program length : 26 min
Dewey : Genetics, birds, Genetic Engineering
Category : Documentaries
Level : All public / off level
Disciplines : Genetics
Collections : Documentaries
ficheLom : See details LOM
Author (s) : J. BENOIT
producer : Filmtec for SFRS
Director (s) : Jean DALLET
Language : French

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Zika Dengue HOAX! Big Fix in Hawai'i

State of Emergency...signed in effect because we all are going to die from mosquito bites! The State of Hawai'i wants to "SAVE"... us while they all make a pretty profit.

With GMO Vaccines, use of pesticide spray on people against their will (that causes birth defects), and Gene Drive is coming up for sure!

But, guess what...Read on...(I guess you want me to go through it all...But, wait read this 1st...You wouldn't be on my blog if you didn't understand the situation already...)

Eliminate Dengue, and Zika naturally..better then sterilizing through genetically modified gene drive...Monsanto stole the idea from nature, like they always do to own a patent, and make a profit...

The diagram above explains Cytoplasmic Incompatibility and how releasing a limited number of mosquitoes with Wolbachiato breed with wild mosquitoes, over a small number of generations, will result in all the mosquitoes having Wolbachia.

When male mosquitoes with Wolbachiamate with female wild mosquitoes without Wolbachia, those females will have eggs but they won’t hatch.

When male mosquitoes with Wolbachiamate with females that are already carrying Wolbachia, the mating will be normal and all the offspring will have Wolbachia.

When female mosquitoes with Wolbachiamate with males without Wolbachia, all her offspring will have Wolbachia.

- See more at:!

Works for Zika too...

Naturally existing strains of Wolbachia have been shown to be a route for vector control strategies because of their presence in arthropod populations, such as mosquito populations.[42][43] Due to the unique traits of Wolbachia that cause cytoplasmic incompatibility, this strain is useful as a promoter of genetic drive within a population. Wolbachia-infected females are able to produce offspring with non-infected and infected males, however, non-infected females are only able to produce viable offspring with non-infected males. This gives infected females a frequency-dependent reproductive advantage; that is, the advantage is greater the higher the frequency of Wolbachia in the population. Computational models predict that introducing Wolbachia strains into natural populations will reduce pathogen transmission and reduce overall disease burden.[44] An example includes Wolbachia that can be used to control dengue and malaria by eliminating the older insects that contain more parasites. Promoting the survival and reproduction of younger insects lessens selection pressure for evolution of resistance.[45][46] Wolbachia strains that are able to reduce dengue transmission include wAllbB and wMelPop with Aedes aegypti, wMel with Aedes albopictus.[47] and Aedes aegypti.[48] In addition to inhibit the DENV (Dengue Virus) in some species of genus Aedes, Wolbachia has been identified to inhibit replication of CHIKV (Chikungunya virus) in Aedes aegypti. It was found that Wmel strain of Wolbachia pipientis reduced significantly infection and dissemination rates of CHIKV in mosquitoes, compared to Wolbachia uninfected controls and the same phenomenon was observed in YFV (Yellow Fever Virus) infection converting this bacteria in an excellent promise for YFV and CHIKV suppression.[49]

Another study tested the effect of Wolbachia on the replication of WNV (West Nile Virus) but in cell line Aag2 derived from Aedes aegypti cells, suggesting that despite the existence of an enhancement of viral genomic RNA replication in the cell line Wolbachia infected, the production of secreted virus was significantly inhibited. It also was found that the antiviral effect in intrathoracically infected mosquitoes depends on the strain of Wolbachia, and the replication of the virus in orally fed mosquitoes was completely inhibited in wMelPop strain of Wolbachia.[50]

However, cases where Wolbachia reduces transmission of pathogens must be studied carefully. Indeed, a recent study demonstrated that the West Nile virus could be improved by the presence of the Wolbachia strain wAlbB in the mosquito Culex tarsalis. The rate of virus appears significantly higher than in uninfected mosquitoes. Indeed, wAlbB inhibits REL1, which is an activator of the antiviral Toll immune pathway. The release of artificially infected mosquitoes in the environment, for a vector-borne disease control program, should be made with caution, because it is the first case of improvement of a human disease in the mosquito.[51]

It has been suggested that Wolbachia induces reactive oxygen species (ROS)-dependent activation of the Toll (gene family) pathway. This pathway is essential for activation of antimicrobial peptides, defensins, and cecropins that help to inhibit dengue virus proliferation.[52] Wolbachia infection can also increase mosquito resistance to malaria, as shown in Anopheles stephensi where the wAlbB strain of Wolbachia hindered the life cycle of Plasmodium falciparum.[53]

Some experts have proposed to combat the spread of the Zika virus by breeding and releasing mosquitoes that have intentionally been infected with Wolbachia.[54]

Wolbachia is one of the most common natural pathogens on Earth that alter the reproductive system of insects; it is estimated that more than 18-76% of insects are infected by it including spider, termites, mosquito, flies and nematoades.

The bacteria give various physical characteristics of its infection that cause a variety of result including deterring chromosomal sex determination from gamete fertilization.

Also, it may initiate parthenogenesis that causes growth and development without fertilization by sperm (parthenogenesis) because it can selectively kill males; thus, it creates a detrimental competition against sperm and causes cytoplasmic incompatibility in fertilized eggs. Wolbachia's uniqueness in altering reproduction has caused many scientists to research the biology of infection and their potential use for controlling pest and pathogens.


Cellular examination of the bacteria Wolbachia on reproductive mechanisms of the fruit fly D. melanogaster.

Wolbachia is a parasitic bacteria that infects reproductive system of insects which ultimately affects their linage continuation. The symbiosis between the bacteria and host is complex. Depending on the interaction, it ranges from mutualism to parasitism. The bacteria infect different types of organ, but the remarkable characteristic is their ability to alter the way maternal genes are passed on to the next generation by infecting the testes and ovaries of their hosts. There are four different phenotypes expressed:

male killing (death of infected males). This selectively allows females to survive and more likely to reproduce even in the absence of males.

feminization (infected males grow as either fully fertile females or infertile pseudo-females)

parthenogenesis(reproduction of infected females asexually)

Cytoplasmic incompatibility (the inability of Wolbachia-infected males to successfully reproduce with uninfected females). This method causes a certain Wolbachia strain to be more dominant over the others.

Furthermore, Wolbachia are not found in mature sperms, but are found in mature eggs. So, the infection is carried along to offspring by infected females but not males.

Application to Biotechnology
Currently, there's no known compound or enzyme identified for biotechnological use.

Probably take a week to have enough mosquitoes with Wolbachia, from Hawai'ian sources that are here naturally to fix the out break, and then the rest of the Hawai'ian Islands...

Give me that 1.7 billion dollars that was supposed to get new vaccines to "cure" this...!

How Do They Attack The Body?

A flavivirus is transmitted via the bite of an infected tick or mosquito. It enters the bloodstream and invades and infects cells called monocytes in the immune system. The virus is then transported to lymph nodes and targets organs within the body, where different flaviviruses cause different symptoms.

Symptoms generally take seven days to appear and can last for an additional seven days. Some flaviviruses, such as West Nile, can enter the brain and induce encephalitis, whereas yellow fever infects the liver, dengue can cause shock and haemorrhage within the body, and Zika induces joint and muscle pain upon infection.

It is not currently understood why these symptoms occur, but we’re conducting research to try to uncover how the viruses affect the body.

Are There Treatments?

Currently vaccines are available for some flaviviruses – including yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis and tick-borne encephalitis virus. A vaccine for dengue was recently licensed for use in Brazil, the Philippines and Mexico.

The development of a dengue vaccine has been challenging due to the different variations of the virus. Being exposed to one type potentially worsens subsequent infections with another type of the same virus. To avoid this complication, the current vaccine trials have included all four dengue variations in their formulations.

A recent advancement in controlling flaviviruses is with the use of a bacterium called Wolbachia. Mosquitoes that harbour this bacteria are completely resistant to subsequent flavivirus infection, and the bacteria can infect and remain persistent within mosquito populations.

If flaviviruses can’t establish infection within the vector host, this limits its maintenance in the environment. The Doherty Institute, along with Monash and Oxford University, is researching implementation of this form of biological control.

In a stained egg of the small parasitic wasp,Trichogramma kaykai, are brightly staining Wolbachia. The bacteria accumulate at the end of the egg that is destined to develop into the reproductive organs. Wolbachia induce the eggs of this wasp to develop into female offspring without fertilization. Photo Credit: Merijn Salverda and Richard Stouthamer.

250 cases...but are they really cases of Dengue or people poisoning themselves with chemicals because they are in fear??


These people are really the University of Hawai'i admins, faculty, and who ever else is evil over there esp. school of "medicine"...

Hawaii Biotech, Inc. (HBI) is a privately held biotechnology company focused on the research and development of vaccines for established and emerging infectious diseases. We have developed a proprietary protein production platform that is applicable to the production of vaccine antigens and other proteins. Our lead vaccine candidates target the West Nile virus and Dengue Fever. Additional subunits vaccine candidates that are produced from the proprietary protein production platform are currently under development.

HBI has built a management team with relevant experience at companies such as GlaxoSmithKline, QED Technologies, and Johnson & Johnson. Collaborators, past and present, include scientists from Harvard Medical School; the University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston; the University of Hawaii; the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research; the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Disease (USAMRIID); the Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research; and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Business Model

We are committed to the development of the highest quality products with superior efficacy as demonstrated through the various stages of clinical trials. We plan to begin to partner and license our West Nile and dengue vaccine candidates after immunogenicity data has been obtained from clinical studies. Licensing at earlier stages is also being considered, especially for a more complex vaccine, such as the one for dengue fever. We are also funding the development of our vaccine pipeline from grants and contracts for public and private sources. Our strategy should allow us to maintain a stream of revenues from these sources before FDA approval.

Hawaii Biotech will continue to rely on its internal research pipeline, supported primarily by grant revenues and supplemented by a strategic in-licensing program, to produce additional proprietary clinical development vaccine candidates. HBI has a strong track record of securing research funds from the National Institute of Health and the Department of Defense to support its research programs.

In 2006, HBI acquired rights to an adjuvant, GPI-0100, through the acquisition of Avantogen, Inc (formerly a wholly-owned subsidiary of Avantogen, Limited, an Australian public company). The GPI-0100 adjuvant is useful in helping to elicit broad immune responses to certain vaccines and therapeutics especially in the cancer area. HBI has licensed the rights for use of the adjuvant to companies, (including for use with certain animal health and cancer vaccines) and will continue to pursue licensing opportunities for the GPI-0100 adjuvant.


The Company’s progress has been financed by private equity funding, as well as over $50 million in federal funding since 1982. As the costs associated with developing vaccines are substantial, we will continue to seek additional sources of funding by way of equity financing, debt financing, grants, and other opportunities....
Hawaii Biotech, IncPhone: (808)486-5333

99-193 Aiea Heights Drive, Suite 200 Fax: (808)792-1343

Aiea, Hawaii 96701

It's starting to get even more ridiculous!

Hawaii declares state of emergency over Zika virus, dengue fever outbreak | Fox News
Hawaii Gov. David Ige declared a state of emergency to…

American Samoa Suspects It May Have Over 200 Cases of Zika Virus
Both American Samoa and Hawaii have taken official…

Hawaii governor signs emergency proclamation on Zika -

The governor of Hawaii has signed an emergency...

We had 1 case from a lady who came from Argentina, and was having a baby, who also they said had Zika...NOW...we are in a State of Emergency?????

Larvicide Manufactured By Sumitomo, Not Zika Virus, True Cause Of Brazil's Microcephaly Outbreak: Doctors

Monsanto owns that Sumitomo group...

Brazilian State Suspends Larvicide Use After Reports Point to Microcephaly Link
The Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul has suspended the use of a larvicide after reports pointed to a potential link between the chemical and the devastating birth…




People? Too bad all our papaya are genetic modification...

With the number of people catching dengue fever seemingly on the rise every year in Costa Rica, especially during this rainy season, the demand for a simple and inexpensive remedy has never been higher, and as with so many common ailments, the modern medical system is not very helpful. The good news is that researchers in India have managed to discover a good remedy for dengue based on an old folk cure. It is the common papaya leaf. Since they’ve discovered this, many people from India have managed to successfully and quickly cure dengue without spending a fortune on hospital visits. The best news of all is that you can easily make it at home.

Sounds too good to be true? Well, plenty of studies have showed positive results. Moreover, the well-respected website that analyzes the truth behind the wild claims we often see on the internet, has confirmed that this cure is legit: (Hoax or Fact article on Papaya Leaf Dengue Cure)

Papaya Leaf Cure for Dengue Fever

Benefits of Papaya Leaf

Green part of two papaya leaves, with the stems removed At this time, the only known cure for Dengue is papaya leaf, which is still not well known to doctors or the public. The juice or pulp made from this plant has been found to be quite effective not only in fighting the symptoms of dengue fever, but also in curing it.

Specialists from the Indian Institute of Forest Management have recently conducted a thorough study on five patients. The outcome was pretty amazing. Within 24 hours from drinking the juice made of papaya leaves, all the subjects reported a significant improvement of their overall health, reduced side effects and increased comfort. On top of all, they didn’t experienced any side effects.

After the study was conducted and the results were promoted in the pharmaceutical world and the internet, many companies have begun to formulate medicines made from papaya leaf extract. They have realized that papaya leaf is not only helpful in fighting dengue, but also possess some extraordinary anti-cancer and anti-malarial properties. According to a 2010 research from the reputable Journal of Ethnopharmacology, many enzymes found in papaya leaves are known for their anti-cancer properties, fighting breast, liver, cervix, pancreatic and lung cancer. These studies showcase the properties of papaya leaf and outline that it does not have any toxic effects on the body. Some doctors have moved even further, beginning to recommend papaya leaf as an integral part of chemotherapy treatments.

Another amazing benefit of papaya leaves is that they can fight other viral infection such as the common cold virus. These amazing natural ingredients have been found to regenerate white blood cells and platelets. Not only that, but they contain over 50 ingredients that support the immune system, including important Vitamins such as A, C and E.

US MILITARY IS INVOLVED TOO Hidden History of Dengue

It appears highly unlikely that any “detective work” performed by the CDC and Florida health officials will unearth any evidence of dengue fever being imported into Florida, but the evidence certainly exists. Prior to the recent Key West findings and still today, the CDC has consistently reported that there have been no outbreaks of dengue fever in Florida since 1934, and none in the continental U.S. since 1946. Remarkably, this report is incorrect.

Unknown to most Americans is that dengue fever has been the intense focus of U.S. army and CIA biological warfare researchers for over fifty years. As early as the 1950s, the army’s Fort Detrick in partnership with the CIA launched a multi-million dollar research program under which dengue fever and several addition exotic diseases were studied for use in offensive biological warfare attacks. Indeed, as several CIA documents, as well as the findings of a 1975 Congressional committee reveal that 3 sites in Florida, Key West, Panama City, and Avon Park, as well as 2 other locations in central Florida, were used for experiments with mosquito borne dengue fever and other biological substances.

The experiments in Avon Park, about 170 miles from Miami, were covertly conducted in a low-income African American neighborhood that contained several newly constructed public housing projects. CIA documents related to Project MK/NAOMI clearly indicate that the mosquitoes used in Avon Park were the Aedes aegypti type. Interestingly, at the same time experiments were conducted in Florida there were at least two cases of dengue fever reported among civilian researchers at Fort Detrick in Maryland. Avon Park residents still living in the area say that the experiments resulted in “at least 6 or 7 deaths". One elderly resident told this journalist, “Nobody knew about what had gone on here for years, maybe over 20 years, but in looking back it explained why a bunch of healthy people got sick quick and died at the time of those experiments.”

A 1978 Pentagon publication, entitled Biological Warfare: Secret Testing & Volunteers, reveals that the Army’s Chemical Corps and Special Operations and Projects Divisions at Fort Detrick conducted “tests” similar to the Avon Park experiments in Key West, but the bulk of the documentation concerning this highly classified and covert work is still held by the Pentagon as “secret.” One former Fort Detrick researcher says that the army “performed a number of experiments in the area of the Keys” but that “not all concerned dengue virus.”

In the spring and summer of 1981, Cuba experienced a severe hemorrhagic dengue fever epidemic. Between May and October 1981, the island nation had 158 dengue-related deaths with about 75,000 reported infection cases. Prior to this outbreak, Cuba had reported only a very small number of cases in 1944 and 1977. At the same time as the 1981 outbreak, covert biological warfare attacks on Cuba’s residents and crops were believed to have been conducted against the island by CIA contractors and military airplane flyovers. Particularly harmful to the nation was a severe outbreak of swine flu that Fidel Castro attributed to the CIA.

In 1985 and 1986, authorities in Nicaragua accused the CIA of creating a massive outbreak of dengue fever that infected thousands in that country. CIA officials denied any involvement, but army researchers admitted that intensive work with arthropod vectors for offensive biowarfare objectives had been conducted at Fort Detrick in the early 1980s, having first started in the early 1950s. Fort Detrick researchers reported that huge colonies of mosquitoes infected with not only dengue virus but also yellow fever were maintained at the Frederick, Maryland installation, as well as hordes of flies carrying cholera and anthrax, and thousands of ticks filled with Colorado fever and relapsing fever.

A review of declassified Army Chemical Corps documents reveal that the army may have also been engaged in dengue fever research as early as the late 1940s. Several redacted Camp Detrick and Edgewood Arsenal reports indicate that experiments were conducted on state and federal prisoners who were unwittingly exposed to dengue fever, as well as other viruses, some possibly lethal. Freedom of Information requests filed months ago for details on these early experiments remain unanswered.

Everything and anything could be corrupted, including this blog...which I just fixed...Not going to happen on my watch...That's the whole point of this blog...TO END THE CORRUPTION!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Rock Phosphate KEY To Our Destruction

Price :: September 1993 at 33 US...
Price :: September 2008 at 430 US...
Price :: September 2015 at 121 US...
Phosphorus, P, exists in 3 allotropic forms, red, white and black. Red and white are more common.(Nuggets of Information) Both red and white P are poly-atomic and are 4 P atoms that form a tetrahedron. (Fig.3) White phosphorus reacts vigorously with oxygen and the reaction results in a popping sound that is similar to a dog barking. Phosphorus pentoxide is formed during the oxidation process (Ref.4):

P4 + 5O2 → 2P2O5

The chemical behavior of phosphorus is interesting because as a non-metal it exhibits ionic and covalent bonding depending on where it is present. It is an important element in complex organic compounds like ATP, (adenosine tri-phophate) as well as in simpler molecules like phosphoric acid ,H3PO4, oxides of phosphorus, or as a phosphate, PO43- in an inorganic compound. ATP is an energy-bearing molecule present in all living organisms. (Ref.5)(Fig.3)(Nuggets of Information)

The most common use of phosphorus is in the manufacture of fertilizers. It is also used in the production of steel and was used extensively in the manufacture of detergents, though lately phosphate-free detergents are more prevalent. This is because the phosphates that leached into water bodies affected it adversely.

There is much talk about peak phosphorus today. This means that our demand is exceeding the supply of phosphorus. In 2008, the world was shocked by an 800% increase in the price of phosphorus. Several factors including world reserves, agricultural practices using excessive amounts of manufactured phosphates have played a role in this shortage. As a society, we need to be cognizant of these problems and figure out ways to counteract the decrease in phosphorus. (Nuggets of Information)(Ref. 6)

Science makes Sense, Week 17: Phosphorus, fertilizers, ATP , LEDs , phossy jaw and wars.

"Phossy Jaw"...I had this by sleeping in a room attached to a green house...I went  to 2 doctors to get help, and neither would believe or listen what caused my intense pain, and disability...
Not being able to use my mouth, eat, terrible pain, could barely even talk tongue all swollen, and ulcers in my mouth...
"in the case of my jaw a centipede poison pellet system was put in a badly ventilated green house, under the open floor boards of the hall, on the other side of the wall and hall outside my unventilated bedroom. Within 1 week of moving to another home...My jaw and mouth were perfectly fine."

I really could have lost my jaw, and parts of my mouth by this attitude of...
"Pesticides do not harm people."
They are hiding pesticide injury on purpose...WHY!!!
To make money...

The commodity phosphorus is being used up...Will that be the end of pesticides, and chemical fertilizers...are they done taking their profits in the Commodity Exchanges, and Stock Markets?
 Aquifers across the US are being found to have radioactivity in them...

The study reports that 78 percent of the uranium-contaminated sites were linked to the presence of nitrate, a common groundwater contaminant that originates mainly from chemical fertilizers and animal waste. Nitrate mobilizes naturally occurring uranium through a series of bacterial and chemical reactions that oxidize the radioactive mineral, making it soluble in groundwater.
The High Plains aquifer -- the largest in the United States -- provides drinking water and irrigation for an eight-state swath that stretches from South Dakota through Nebraska and into northern Texas. As California's largest reservoir, the Central Valley aquifer sits beneath some of the state's most fertile agricultural land. According to a 2012 census from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the two aquifers irrigate cropland that accounts for one-sixth of the annual revenue generated by U.S. agriculture....
UNL researchers Karrie Weber and Jason Nolan found that the High Plains aquifer contains uranium concentrations up to 89 times the EPA standard and nitrate concentrations up to 189 times greater. The uranium and nitrate levels of the California-based Central Valley aquifer measured up to 180 and 34 times their respective EPA thresholds.

Study: Two major U.S. aquifers contaminated by natural uranium

Released on 08/17/2015, at 2:01 AM
Office of University Communications
University of Nebraska–Lincoln